FDU-Manhattan Travel Time

I’m seriously considering FDU and this is a question that’s been bugging me because of how it’s marketed versus what I can find online.

All the FDU stuff I’ve looked at talks about how close the metro campus is to New York and how easy it is to get into the city. When I actually look online for things on travel to and from FDU, I find that it takes a lot longer than the university makes it sound - usually an hour to get into downtown Manhattan, and that’s with a car. I don’t have a car and can’t afford to buy one, much less make monthly payments on one.

If there’s a current/former student on here who could clear this up for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Something that really attracts me to FDU is how they market NYC as a place that’s close by, easily accessible, and full of opportunities for experiential learning (which I don’t doubt), while still maintaining a campus with a good sense of university community. However, versus another school I applied to that’s in Manhattan, the commute time could be difficult if I were to take an internship within the city.

FDU Florham campus is at least an hour by train from NY Penn Station. If you look on N.J. transit, the closest station to campus is Convent Station. You can walk to that location from campus. The Madison station is a few miles from campus but i believe the campus shuttle bus would take you there. It is doable but commute time would be a factor.