Feb wave of letters?

<p>I heard Tech sends out a wave of letters in feb, is that true? and if so when?</p>

<p>They did last yr. I believe it was about 3 weeks of waves, and I think it started mid Feb and went into March.</p>

<p>is that just for freshmen, or freshmen and transfers?</p>

<p>I was offered admission as a transfer and was told that I’d receive an “admission offer package” by the end of Feb.</p>

<p>Marioqwe were you offered admission for fall 2011?</p>

<p>I applied for Fall 2011 but I was offered admission for Summer II.</p>

<p>VT has given the following dates:
2/18 Honors eligible, with the majority of decisions being released 3/18. </p>

<p>[January</a> Hokie News | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php]January”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/news/20110119/admission_notification.php)</p>

<p>I do not believe the link above mentions the 3/18. I double checked this in emails sent from admissions dtd 1/28. </p>

<p>“The majority of applicants will be informed in one mailing that will be sent March 18.”</p>

<p>Marioqwe did you get a letter in the mail or did it appear online? and are you a freshmen or a transfer?</p>

<p>hey jacob – For transfers it appeared online. No email notification either, I just checked the status page.</p>

<p>I submitted my application on 12/28 and got my notification 3/31 last year. They sent out the first wave of notifications for transfers at the end of February last year…but most people who knew by then applied & submitted before December, and there were a few lucky people I knew who sent their application around the same time as me that found out that early as well.</p>

<p>Financially lost what did you apply as major wise?</p>

<p>History…in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. I’ve changed since then to a major in the College of Science.</p>