Fee Invoice Not Including Scholarship Money

I have a question concerning Fall 2017 payment at UCF. S’s Fee Invoice on myUCF shows the charges (tuition, room, board) but is not showing the scholarship money he received (Knights Achievement Award – $5500 for the semester). How do we get UCF to change the Fee Invoice to reflect the fee reduction of $5500 for the scholarship?

Thanks in advance.

If i remember correctly, scholarship dollars show up much closer to time school starts. For instance, if the scholarship is contingent on full time status, 12 credit hours, then i think ucf waits until student is confirmed to actually be taking those 12 hours before applying that scholarship money. Check to see if tuition is actually due after drop deadline. If you pay too early, they will reimburse. You will probably get a notice…“to do”…to set up an auto deposit for this very reason. Does that make sense???

Add deadline is 8/25. Tuition ia due 9/1.
Wait to pay if you can.
Go knights!

@ufmomfriend Thanks for the info. Does that mean it won’t be until August 25 when the scholarship money is applied to the fee invoice?

At my s’s college, some of the scholarship $ (the NMF) was always late. The institutional award applied at the last minute, but the NMF was late. Pretty consistently. We’d call the bursar’s office, they’d tell us to pay the balance minus the awards, and it would post when they got it. Call and ask if this will work for you-- but since its an institutional award, it’ll probably work out and apply as other have said, closer to the deadline.

Im trying to remember, but i think yes. I found out quite by accident as i usually pay before tbey even get back on campus. But last semester i was late…for me…and $ had been applied. It was a very pleasant surprise, however i do remember that reimbursement thru automatic deposit came very quickly in pervious semesters.

It just feels better to write that smaller check…lol

Contact the school – the scholarship probably just hasn’t been reflected in the statement yet. My S’s college operated in a similar fashion. I would write a check for the balance due less the scholarship. And in the envelope with the check I’d copy the statement, manually put in the reduction for his scholarship, and show the net due after the scholarship (which tied into the check I sent).

Have you looked recently? If you look on the fee invoice it may say what the expected finaid will be. For my instate kids, it is showing their ucf scholarship under finaid and estimated bright futures, however it also hasn’t been applied to the charges due. Dont worry…it will. If you feel the need to pay, that portion will be refunded thru direct deposit if you set it up.

The $5500 for the Knights Achievement was posted for S either 8/18 or 8/19. S received an outside corporate scholarship in which I mailed them the check about two weeks ago and nothing recorded as of yet. Hope they didn’t lose it.

Yes, the Knights Achievement Scholarship was posted on 8/19 and we saw it yesterday. Now to go draw down the college fund. :smiley:

Glad it’s showing up.
Charge on!!

For instate students…it looks like fee invoice and charges due have finally been updated to include scholarships and Bright Futures!!!