Feedback on an unconventional UC essay

<p>For the UC Prompt 1 (describe your world) I wrote a slightly unconventional essay, probably because I'm a slightly unconventional person, but that's beside the point.
In my essay, I tried to incorporate both sarcasm and sincerity, two conflicting ideas that don't always work well together.
I would like your honest opinion about whether or not it works in this instance. If (understandably) you think that it makes me sound like a/an (insert expletive here), I can handle the criticism.
PM me. Is that a thing? I'm new to this website, but I'm assuming it is. If not, ask for my email address.
Thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to help.</p>

<p>I know what you mean. I haven’t had personal experience but I feel like if I could read your essay I could help you out a bit on what parts you should probably lay off the sarcasm and add sincerity. That is if you feel like you need any help.</p>

<p>No offense, but i’d have to be pretty stupid to just hand over my essay to another high school senior who created an account today, is applying to the same college as me, and has a post on this website about needing help with uc prompt # 1. If your intentions are in fact pure, I apologize for hastily jumping to a false conclusion, but I’m simply not going to risk having my essay stolen.</p>

<p>Your paranoia is understandable, and i don’t judge you for jumping to conclusions even though I have probably totally different backgrounds from you in which the notion of even trying to copy your essay seems ridiculous to me. But atlas, I’m just another high school teenager and it tis a mean world out there where people plagarize college essays even though it is just another 1000 words of self-advertising. So really, you’re absolutely right.
Hope you find some professional out there who will help you out on this website, because I clearly am not one.</p>

<p>I’ll read it. I’m writing an “unconventional” essay as well, would be glad to help you on yours.</p>