Fellows invitations releasing 1/31!

@KKPerry71 On the invite it said “Honors and Business”.

@KKPerry71 That’s what I thought too about Honors.

On my son’s invite it says Elon College and Honors. I believe it’s the Scholar applications that if you are chosen you do not have to interview.

I just found this:
Students selected for Change Makers, Elon Sports Vision, Health Professions or Legal Professions will be notified around February 5th and do not need to attend Fellows & Engineering Weekend.


DD invited for Honors.

@ peacelovejoy - correct me if I am wrong but I believe the 200 mentioned in the article you posted is the number just for the Honors Fellows that are invited from which they select 45. This number would not include the other Fellows:
Elon College - 50 chosen
Communications - 30 chosen
Business - 30 chosen
Teaching - 25 chosen
Isabella - 25 chosen
Engineering (Scholar) - 20 chosen

Just read through the weekend activities. Any info on what to do since D was chosen for both Honors and Communications interviews? They both have receptions at the same time but different locations. Thanks.

@cheers2020 my son applied to Scholars and received an e-mail this week say notifications would be from 2/5 thru 4/1. Some RD haven’t even gotten admissions decisions yet

@Ib2345 - I saw this, not sure if it helps.

Students who are interviewing for two Fellows programs will only have one interview.
Elon faculty who are familiar with the various programs will conduct a combined interview for the programs.

@jgwolf - I found this:
Fellows finalists who apply under the regular deadline will receive their first-year admissions status at the time of invitation to Fellows Weekend.

Thanks @cheers2020 I’m wondering about the evening receptions and then events the other day. Based on other threads the receptions are important, but they’re in different buildings. The next day they appear to have different events for communications and honors. I guess it’s doable though - reading through past threads several people mentioned their children applying to (and being accepted) to two programs and then having to choose fairly quickly. Just wondering if she’s going to spend a lot of time rushing from place to place, and if so if that will cause more anxiety than necessary.

Yep that is exactly how I got confused. Thinking Scholars was Honors. Okay, well he was invited for Business - all good.

Well … a mixed night for us. Daughter invited for Business but not Honors. So curious as to what the panel saw that took her out of contention for Honors, but I’m sure we’ll never know. She had the stats. Like @TS0104 has said about her own experience, it may be that they are more aware of a poor fit than we were. If we can make the $$ work, I’d still love to get her to Elon, and when I’m honest with myself, not having the extra pressure of Honors may be a blessing in the long run. Sigh. She was disappointed but handled it so well … proud.

I’m pretty sure she’ll still want to compete for the Business Fellows, but not sure if it’s right for someone primarily interested in Economics. Time to learn!

Congrats to all on the invites. All in all, it sounds like a successful night for most!!

My daughter got an invite for Leadership & Elon College Fellows.

@soxmom72 My daughter got an invite for Leadership Fellows.

@onemoremom12 Mine was invited for Teaching, but not honors. Teaching is the one she really wants so there wasn’t any disappointment though.

I have to be honest…I dislike the whole “competition” aspect of this. I think it puts too much pressure on the students, who are already at the end of a very stressful application season, combined with AP classes, sports, extracurriculars, etc. It’s also an expensive trip. The focus should be on meeting other students and Elon selling their programs to us. But student does need the extra merit $ to attend, and does like Elon.

@sunnyschool I agree. I just book flights, hotel and a rental car. Wish I at least knew how many kids were invited to interview for the 25 spots!!

Forgive me if I missed this, but did anyone try calling to find out about the number of invites for each program?

Trying to decide how early to arrive the Friday of Fellows weekend. DD hates to miss school. We aren’t too far away and she gets done at 12:45 so we could easily be there by 3:00 without missing a single class. Wondering thoughts on these early events:
Friday, March 6

12:00 –1:30 p.m. Welcome Sessions
Moseley Center, McKinnon Hall – E&F
12:00 – 2:30 p.m. Optional Student Success Drop-In Hours
12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Optional Academic Advising Session
Ernest A. Koury, Sr. Business Center, LaRose Theatre