
<p>So obviously, as you can tell by the title of this thread, it is one complaining about members of the opposite gender. I know all of you may blast me for asking this kind of thing/complaining/revealing such things on college discussion forum, but I'd like to get your takes/opinions on it. I'll provide some background info on my situation. I'll be a sophoomore at UC Berkeley this fall, and I still have never dated a girl. All of my friends keep telling me I have so much girl potential b/c I know how to dress/have a sense of style, am charming, confident, and work out a lot, and a lot of my female friends have told me I'm very goodlooking, and some of them have even tried to flirt with me. Few of them believe that I've never dated, but that is the honest truth. It seems, however, that whenever I actively pursue a girl who I'm interested in, she's not interested, or she always rejects me and we end up friends, with her later revealing that I made a great first impression, was funny, blah, blah, blah. Now my question is, if what my friends say is so true, and certain girls have tried hitting on me, then what could it possibly be that I'm doing wrong that is preventing me from getting with the actual girls that I'm pursuing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, aside from the expected "get a life, you're on CC" and that usual bs. Thanks...</p>

<p>Um. Maybe they just don't like you that way?</p>

<p>Maybe your pursuing them in the wrong way? Coming on too strong, pressuring them, etc.</p>

It seems, however, that whenever I actively pursue a girl who I'm interested in, she's not interested, or she always rejects me and we end up friends, with her later revealing that I made a great first impression, was funny, blah, blah, blah.


<p>So then...what was the problem? Why not ask her about it? Or maybe you've simply had bad luck in pursuing the wrong girls. I've noticed similar situations with girls at UC Berkeley...some of them just don't seem very interested in/ receptive to dating.</p>

<p>I know this sounds ridiculous, but how tall are you? A lot of times, short cute guys are not taken to be serious romantic partners. You said you were good looking, work out, etc. but you're friend zoned often- this sounds similar to me. Problem is, I'm short...being cute actually makes it harder when your short, and more confusing. You're very often put in the friend zone. Women like alpha males, big, brutish, mean guys. Cavemen, if you will. My advice: stop being a "nice guy" and don't supress your sexuality. Be confident and agressive. Don't seem desperate, or romantic, or weak. If necesarry, fight a guy in front of a girl. This WILL turn her on.</p>

<p>Also, DO NOT take women's advice...they aren't going to tell you the truth. Women HATE nice guys when it comes to getting intimate..they want a mysoginst, pseudo rapist.</p>

<p>I'm like 5'7".</p>

<p>its true...i'm over 6 feet and i definitely notice the difference girls treat taller guys like myself...they act more like friends and acquaintances to shorter guys...and more like girlfriend material to taller guys</p>

<p>^wow, I knew it. Yep, I hate to tell you, but height is much, much, MUCH more important than looks for sexual relationships. There are reasons discussed in evolutionary psychology that explain this. A lot of the girls probably DO like you, but just can't bring themselves to like you in that way.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, you're too small to be taken seriously. I'm just under 5'9 and I actually run into this trap. I'm handsome enough, that I can put up personal adds on the internet w/o listing my height and get millions of responses. They ask my height, and as soon as they Realize I'm under 6', its over. Some girls go down to about 5'10, but it ends there.</p>

<p>Sadly, dating is something we can't define ourselves by. I have pig-ugly friends over 6', and they still have more of a shot than I do. I didn;t realize how important height is untill about a year ago. I'm 22, BTW. I've had breif relationships, but they usually have ditched me for taller guys. </p>

<p>The best advice I was given was to simply focus on school and make as much money as possible. As you get older, girls care more and more about $$$ and less about height. Even then, it will be hard for us to get married, as having tall children is very important to women.</p>

<p>I pretty much say if you're at all taller than me, you have a shot. Most of the guys I've been with are 5'10, 5'11, or maybe 6'0. I'm 5'9" though. Even the same height would work if you were cute and nice. (honestly, it's just weird when the girl is taller though. I speak from experience) But if I was shorter, like say 5'4" I wouldn't have a problem dating a guy that's 5'7-5'9", since you know, still taller. My cousin is about that tall, and her boyfriend is a little bit shorter than me. I think short girls that only date really tall guys are freaking annoying, because then all the tall ones are taken for girls as tall as me. I mean, who doesn't hate seeing a 5'1 girl with a 6'4 guy?? But seriously, if Tom Crazy Ass Cruise can get girls, as short as he is, and they're all taller than he is, and he's NOT that good looking, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. If you do, you've probably got issues somewhere else.</p>

<p>Hmm...maybe looking at the girls like regular human beings and not heavenly nymphs would be the first step. Second, if they are peeved about your height, then forget about them...they're not worth it. I'm sick of how guys have to please girls; if the girls can't like a guy for who they are, they can shove it.</p>

<p>tom cruise is a millionaire though...bad example</p>

<p>There's no pride in winning a girl over with money. If she loves you just for your money then she's a b<em>*h and you're a dumba</em> for being used.</p>

<p>sadly, short girls want the tall guys just as much. In fact, I've heard short girls say "I just feel like I have to breed w/tall guys to make up for my height"...</p>

<p>^Haha, so true. Girls can be such b***hs. No joke...they claim guys put so many pressures on them...they're pickier than guys.</p>

<p>Actually, I'm also seeing a trend here with height.</p>

<p>Before the OP even claimed his height, someone suggested that it was because he was short. Lo and behold, he's 5'7"...</p>

<p>Dude, I'm 5'2" and as long as you're 5'5"+, I really don't care, in fact, really tall guys freak me out and craning my neck to talk to someone is incredibly obnoxious.</p>

<p>But you're freakishly short :P</p>

<p>^5'2" is not freakishly short for a girl.</p>

<p>Well, thanks a lot >:[ hey, at least I'm Asian.</p>

<p>Well, for the record...most Asian guys are short, so you should be fine...If you want to marry an Asian.</p>