Figuring out where AP DULA credits fit in

<p>my concern is finding where the credits she has fit into her degree plan.</p>

<p>i understand about the number of credits helping at registration time.</p>

<p>and, no, i don’t think she will be getting additional credits.</p>

<p>my concern is finding where the credits she has fit into her degree plan.</p>

<p>WHAP - 6 credits (AP/DUAL)
APUSH - DUAL - 6 credits
ENGLISH - DUAL - 6 credits
GOV - DUAL - 3 credits
CALC - AP - 4 credits (AP test not taken yet)</p>

<p>So, it looks like Freshman Comp is taken care of - section #1 (what a relief!!! )</p>

<p>It looks like the AP WH and the AP US and AP Gov take care of section #4.</p>

<p>And, AP Cal will take care of some of section #5.

<p>Does the above take care of your concern?**</p>

<p>yeah - i got that before … i am all ok with figuring out where her credits will fit in.</p>

<p>: )</p>




<p>Good! I thought maybe there was still some confusion. :)</p>

<p>Your D is lucky to have all the Frosh comp out of the way. That can make freshmen year’s schedules much less hectic for a young engineering student. :)</p>

<p>When you look at - say - MechE for freshman year…</p>


<p>First Semester …Hours
CH 101 General Chemistry I (N) … 4
DR 100 Technical Sketching for Engineers… 1
EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics (SB)… 3
EN 101 English Composition I (FC) … 3
GES 131 Foundations of Engineering I… 2
MATH 125 Calculus I (MA) … 4
… 17</p>

<p>Second Semester
DR 133 2D AutoCAD for Engineers… 2
EN 102 English Composition II (FC)… 3
GES 132 Foundations of Engineering II… 2
MATH 126 Calculus II (MA) … 4
PH 105 Physics with Calculus I (N) … 4
… 15</p>

<p>Your D will have Frosh Comp completed & Cal I completed. So, that reduces her first semester to 14 credits. If she does Outdoor Action or Indoor Action, then she’ll have 15 credits. </p>

<p>BTW…both of those programs are filling up. OA only allows 40 students, while IA allows around 100. The office said that they expect the programs to be completely full in May.</p>

<p>yes, having the english out of the way is a good thing. especially when english is not one of her stronger or favorite subjects.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>i am not sure if she will be able to (or should) do AA or OA or IA. i think she plans to rush, and i am not sure if/how that will work out.</p>

<p>what about RTR. is that worth doing? or not so much.</p>

<p>I didn’t attend a Bama Bound session that had Roll Tide on the River, so I can’t tell you how it went. If your D likes that sort of adventure, then by all means do it. </p>

<p>Credit that fulfills a specific requirement is preferred to elective credit, but having elective is good for the reasons mentioned by other posters. The only downside to having lots of extra credits would be if a student was planning on attending a CC the summer after freshman year and already had 60 or so credits at UA as there are course transfer restrictions with CC’s at that level. I know having a few extra elective credits could make one eligible for upper division courses sooner (if your department works that way).</p>

<p>I think RTR is a good thing to do!</p>