<p>Has anyone here checked the status of their financial aid apps? When we tried to check, it said that Columbia has not received the FAFSA (filed 2 weeks ago), nor has it received the CSS (filed almost 3 months ago). We'd rather not call Columbia's financial aid office unless we're sure there's a problem--perhaps everyone is getting the same status messages right now because nothing has been downloaded by the school yet. If you've checked the status of your fin aid app, would you mind posting whether it acknowledged receipt of forms you sent in a while ago?</p>
<p>I checked tonight, and they received and processed my PROFILE that I filed two days ago. They didn’t receive my FAFSA yet, but the feds just processed it yesterday, so I didn’t expect Columbia to have processed it yet. I don’t know how their systems work, but I would think they should have noted receiving your stuff by now. I’m an RD applicant, by the way.</p>
<p>ummm don’t mean to hijack this thread, but i have not gotten my Columbia ID yet. Should I contact the admissions office right away?</p>
<p>^ Check the “Email letter” thread, page 1. I posted a method to get your ID.</p>
<p>ah, you see, I already tried it and still my app in PDF format did not show that magical combination of letter and numbers on the upper right hand corner…</p>
<p>I figured I should contact them and did it. I don’t even know why I don’t have a Columbia app ID on the upper right hand corner; everyone else seems to have it. :P</p>
<p>I filed my PROFILE in late December, and they’ve received that, but I’ve done 3 FAFSAs (damn corrections) the earliest one in mid January and the latest one January 31, but they have not received it. I was also ****ed off that they moved the date for checking app materials a week after we were supposed to.</p>
<p>@limetime: Hmm that’s strange. Everyone else who tried seems to get their IDs. It’s app part 1, NOT part 2 (part 2 won’t show, i’ve tried).
When did you file your stuff?</p>
<p>I filed my CSS Profile in late October, but when I checked it from financial aid document
tracking, it says “not received.”. I’ll wait until late this month and call or email to them,
if the answer is same.</p>