<p>I just got an e-mail from them saying that the fin. aid forms are due the 1st!!
I've been totally spacing out on the finaid aspect of all the colleges because of all the college essays that I STILL have to finish, and because I knew most of my schools didn't even want them until Feb. 1st. </p>
At least I think my CSS profile is reusable (had to fill it out for Yale EA), but still, ***<em>!
*goes into frustrated rant</em></p>
<p>the financial aid application doesn’t take very long, and it’s postmarked by January first so if you hustle the next couple days and get them out by Wednesday you’ll be okay. And as far as the CSS, it says that it takes some time to send to the school, but I’m hoping that that’s a postmark date as well because i only sent that out a couple days ago and it takes about three weeks to get to the school I think. I was in the same boat as you though this deadline snuck up on me but I had most of it done from yale. And yes your CSS is reusable.</p>
<p>Wow, if I hadn’t seen this today, I would have been super-screwed. Now I have to scramble and talk to my parents to make sure that these get in. (They are divorced and live in diff states, so getting them to syncronize on something is very tricky.) Thanks, your panic caused me to panic, in a good way.</p>
<p>CSS profile that they require by January 1 wants 2008 income. How do they expect us to know all that before the tax forms are submitted next year? Should we just do the estimate?</p>
<p>It actually does take quite a bit of time. Your parents are going to have to complete all the necessary forms and collect all their info in order to receive the accurate amount of aid. I went to a pro to help sort everything out.</p>
<p>Yeah dude, I just found all this stuff out yesterday. Cornell is the ONLY school on my css/profile list with a deadline of Jan 1st!! I didn’t even notice cause everyone else is Feb 1st and beyond. And when you send in your 2007 tax return stuff, how do you do that? Do you fax it or mail it?</p>
<p>Oh bloody hell I wasn’t aware of this!
ugh! Just when I finally get my applications done, there’s something else around the corner waiting to bite me.
Thank God for CC.</p>
<p>Well, I have no plans of doing it right now. I decided not to care about Cornell any more. Their January 1 deadline is THE MOST irresponsible thing that a school can do. I will apply to cornell just to see if I will get in, but there is no way I can get financial aid. Sometimes I feel they complicate things on purpose to get rid of people. </p>
<p>I could send in 2007 taxes but CSS profile itself says that you Have to have 2008 taxes filed. Why does Cornell insist then? I cant even call them, they are on holidays.</p>
<p>Well, I have no plans of doing it right now. I decided not to care about Cornell any more. Their January 1 deadline is THE MOST irresponsible thing that a school can do. I will apply to cornell just to see if I will get in, but there is no way I can get financial aid. Sometimes I feel they complicate things on purpose to get rid of people. </p>
<p>I could send in 2007 taxes but CSS profile itself says that you Have to have 2008 taxes filed. Why does Cornell insist then? I cant even call them, they are on holidays.</p>
<p>i dont think i kept that deadline when i applied (not sure if things have changed now) but i still got my financial aid in time to look at all my options and decided to go with cornell…best school and best aid package :-d</p>
<p>I am confused. College board and Common application says that the Deadline is FEBRUARY 11. Then whats the difference between priority deadline and the “regular” deadline? Why is it so confusing. Can anyone explain?</p>
<p>They are now so selective about financial aid that they will now only give to students who have discovered the secret of traveling through time.</p>
<p>Ok first of all, the time stamps on this thread are totally confusing me. Apparantly, even though it is now only 6:10PM EST, stanford09 managed to post today at 11PM. Um… huh???
^In that case, I guess a few people on this forum won’t have a problem.</p>
<p>Secondly, hey limetime! Nice to see you migrated to the Cornell forums, too ;).</p>
<p>Thirdly… I never understand any of this financial aid stuff. My mom did everything that Yale requires, so is there anything else that needs to be done? I’m so naiive…</p>
<p>WHAT?!?! So now I have to worry about finishing all my essays AND completing financial aid packets in a couple of days!
I’m VERY confused about all deadlines relating to Cornell. Some resources tell me the deadline for the application is Jan. 2, but others say Jan. 1.
ALSO I just looked at Cornell’s website. They state that the Financial Aid application deadline is Jan. 4. Not much better than Jan. 1, but it’s something…</p>
<p>To clarify some things about deadlines I tried calling their offices today but OF COURSE they would be on winter vacation during the time when thousands of students are going to be going through anxiety attacks in regard to questions about applications.</p>
<p>But if you look at another area of the site, it IS Jan. 1.</p>
<p>I tried calling their offices today to clarify such things, but OF COURSE they would all be off on winter break when most students experience anxiety attacks regarding questions about applications. I don’t expect you to be there on Christmas, but REALLY.</p>
<p>Did you look at the Cornell site? You have to submit your 2007 federal tax return and W-2 forms by January 1. The 2008 federal tax forms do not need to be submitted until May 1. </p>
<p>The 2007 tax returns and W-2 forms must be postmarked by January 1. The 2008 tax returns and W-2 do not need to be submitted until May 1. And if you miss the deadlines…it doesn’t matter. Your application will still be processed and you’ll be considered for financial aid. It’s all here:</p>