Financial Aid if no Singer Scholarship

<p>My S did not get the Singer but has over 33K in aid. However it still leaves a bit more than we'd have to pay based on packages to other schools. He did get in the Honor's program at UM though so....</p>

<p>I know I have read of kids getting more $$ all during April and are able to end up at UM. When this happened, did you (the parent) or you (the student) contact the University....and if so who did you contact? Financial Aid, Student affairs or....thanks</p>

<p>Word on the forums is that as May 1st gets closer they may start throwing in some other aid by way of grants, either grants you don’t already have or just increasing grants you do currently have. My aid went up a week ago by about $3,000 out of nowhere even after I had already paid my enrollment deposit. </p>

<p>Hoping someone with more experience can jump in and assist you more though.</p>