<p>Ok so my friend who got in gave me this idea to see if I got in or not (haven't received a decision yet.) Go to <a href="https://secure.binghamton.edu/newadmit;jsessionid=A96B300FA8A0A8D477FE22E278C16933?home%5B/url%5D">https://secure.binghamton.edu/newadmit;jsessionid=A96B300FA8A0A8D477FE22E278C16933?home</a> and see if you can log in with your BU ID and BU PIN. (Didn't work for me but want to see if it works for anyone who hasn't received a letter yet.)</p>
<p>didnt work either…guess im rejected…i feel so bad…</p>
<p>clever! got ACCESS DENIED for D…but it was a reach</p>
<p>I tried that a few days ago and then again today.</p>
<p>Here’s what happened:</p>
<p>Last Friday the message was “Please try again later”.</p>
<p>Today the message was “Not eligible to pay any current admissions deposits”.</p>
<p>Pretty good indication of being rejected. They must have updated their system.</p>
<p>I’m not saying this because I am bitter (check proof of this in Geneseo forum), but I am not so sure I would want to go to Binghamton anymore anyways. For a variety of reasons:</p>
<p>A.) Doesn’t seem like they manage their enrollment very well. Bing is overcrowded and I know that every school has crowding, but Bing seems like it is worse than any other school.</p>
<p>B).Classes are too big (any university, this is personal preference).</p>
<p>C.) Admitting complete losers to boost their basketball program and blow up their school rep. If you look at any other reputable public schools, they built their programs up the right way but it took longer.</p>
<p>D.)Lots of stuff going on down there…article in paper a couple days ago about there being come conspiracy in the athletic department. Girl was sexaully harassed and BU tried to cover it up…I just skimmed the article…maybe someone can elaborate.</p>
<p>E). Admits out of state kids with inferior stats.</p>
<p>Tried it as well and got:</p>
We are not able to retrieve your account information. Your session has been terminated.</p>
<p>Kinda surprised but you never know anything can happen</p>
<p>Umm… so I have really bad memory sometimes—but I remember being asked to change my PIN for some reason after being accepted. Maybe I forgot it or whatever… but I definitely remember being asked for a new password or something. I doubt I forgot my old PIN (because I still remember it and I just checked my e-mail—it’s right.) </p>
<p>Sooo… I don’t really think this is a viable way to check your decision. But again, bad memory? Also, they didn’t update my application status check page for a while after I was accepted. It was in the same state as it was (like before I knew my decision) for some time. I only just noted that they changed the app status check page. (Yes, I realize that’s a different page, but my point is… people are saying Bing is super disorganized, so if your page isn’t updated yet, it’s not necessarily a rejection.)</p>
<p>So until someone gives a ‘yes, it does work’ to this method, there’s no point in feeling bad, soda. Have hope.</p>
<p>Okay, done rambling.</p>
<p>You are currently eligible to pay a tuition deposit towards the following program(s):
Fall 2009 Harpur Undeclared UG</p>
<p>Continue to the Binghamton University/QuikPAY® site to pay your deposit.</p>
<p>holy **** I got in!</p>
<p>Oh… but I didn’t see Sean’s post—he does have a point. I concede that :(</p>
<p>Boo… bf is getting the same page
<p>Got the same ‘not eligible’ message as superb etc… Didn’t get transfer2010’s ‘eligible’ message… Guess I’m not going to Bing :-D</p>
<p>well i guess i got my first college rejection ever, but hey at least so far i got into Syracuse, Buffalo, Fordham, U Miami, St Johns and CUNY Baruch where im a freshman now.</p>
<p>thanks, corretto joe…
anywayz…i have many schools as safes…maybe i can go to syracuse after all…
it’s not that bad being rejected…just imagine i will feel sad to receive my first rejection letter…</p>
<p>Oh and I also forgot to mention that the party scene is embarrassing at Bing too.</p>
<p>For the people who already have some acceptances, at least you’re going to college—I got rejected from my first choice ED college as the first decision I received… that was bad, bad day. Sigh.</p>
<p>soda id love to go to syracuse over binghamton if money wasnt an issue. but the costs are totally different about 15,000 for bing and about 50,000 for syracuse. well c wut i end up doing buffalo is still an excellent school and gave me 15,000 for financial aid, basically paying most of my tuition</p>
<p>which school was it joe? that u applied ED? out of curoiusity</p>
<p>Columbia U… the only school I bothered visiting too :(. I re-read the letter like 30x… like maybe I read it wrong, maybe I was DEFERRED even… but no. Straight-up rejected. So I’m not optimistic about the rest of the Ivies. That was like basically, “Go home, little Asian girl. What the hell were you thinking?”</p>
<p>And for the people up here losing hope—you could have been wait-listed? On the page though (which I got a webshot of, courtesy of bf) it says there may be an error and to contact admissions if you need to pay your deposit blah. So…</p>
<p>David,i am thinking of going to SB…cuz im thinking to major in science…my teacher told me maybe Bing is not the best school to seek for science education…
Syracuse is good…they gave me a lot of money…but im still hesitated…</p>
<p>So, I got the “Error message: NOT ELIGIBLE TO PAY ANY CURRENT ADMISSION DEPOSITS” message when I put in my information.</p>
<p>Are we absolutely sure that this is an accurate way to assess whether we are accepted or not? Why wouldn’t they have sent out rejection letters?</p>
<p>Bing has done waitlists and spring admits so you can hope for that, maybe?</p>
<p>It’s probably a better way of telling if you’ve been accepted, but not necessarily rejected. They might not have entered your acceptance into their system yet, and I’m not sure this accounts for wait list.</p>