For those who got in state residency before classes started

How was the process?

States such as Wisconsin make it difficult for students to declare residency. Most entering state residents will be dependents of their parents. Their parent(s) would have had to live and likely work in the state for 12 months. For the student to be a state resident on their own they would have to be basically entirely self supporting and living in Wisconsin for twelve months. It would be extremely difficult to work full time and take any UW classes to acquire residency status. State residents pay less because part of their taxes are supporting the state schools. Wisconsin residents pay higher than average state income taxes, btw. Just owning property or working in the state is not sufficient for residency. Going to HS in WI with OOS parents will not suffice.

The above is not meant to be the official statement but rather to give you an idea. Do not count on getting instate residency for tuition while a student.

Are you moving to Wisconsin primarily for education?

I would NEVER move to a state primarily for education.
I moved here in August to start my “job”. But I’m considered an Americorps volunteer who gets a living stipend and not an employee.
And if course I’ve been supporting myself through my living stipend.

Easy for you to call/email the registrar’s office with your specific question. One key issue for you would be paying WI state income taxes on your job earnings.

My living stipend is taxed.

Registered to vote in Wisconsin? Filing a Wisconsin resident tax return? Registered car? Wisconsin DL?

Is the Americorps job a temporary job?

Have a relative living in WI? If under 21 have them be your legal guardian.

I moved here in August after High School graduation. And no relatives here.
I’m registered to vote in Wisconsin. No car. No DL because no car. Electric bill is in my name for the house I’m renting. Wisconsin-based bank accounts now. Will have lived here 12 months before classes started.
I was most worried about not being able to file as a full year resident and only being able to file as a part year resident and that being used against my intent to make a permanent home here.

I did email Office of Registrar asking if a student can file a part year resident tax form and still get residency for tuition purposes their first year and other years.
They said yes as long as they file as full year residents from then on and are financially independent.

Looks good for you as a bona fide WI resident. Remember the qualifier about being financially dependent for the future after your current job ends. Subsidies from mom and dad will kill the deal.

About that, how would the school keep track of that?

And plus if FAFSA requires me to put my parental information because I’m determined to be dependent for FAFSA purposes, shouldn’t my parent at least be able to contribute the EFC?

Don’t count on gaining Wisconsin residency for tuition purposes.

Did you read the Wisconsin Statutes?

An adult student (you) who is a tax dependent of parents, neither of whom are Wisconsin residents, is not a resident of Wisconsin for tuition purposes.

I will not be a tax dependent on my parents. I am filing as independent for taxes. And I’ve read the statutes many times looking to see if something could go wrong.

Well, be sure to post again in August with an update.

But I posted this because I wanted to hear others’ experiences with this. As you can imagine, this is very important to me.

How will you pay for 4 years of college (i.e. how will you be financially independent) once you are done with your temporary Americorps job?

Did you contact the residency specialist for UW-Madison?

In your other thread you state you will spend the summer rebuilding Hurricane Sandy-damaged homes.

How will you pass the ‘12 months physical presence in Wisconsin’ test when you will only have lived in Wisconsin 9 months?

I’m using in state COA as I calculate my first year at Madison. I used the UW Madison Financial Aid Calculator .
I’ll use grants and loans for school and I’m waiting to hear on some Madison scholarships and outside ones too but I’m weary of being too faithful on scholarships.
My EFC is pretty low so I should get 33% of COA in grants.
Federal loans and work-study will be an additional 30% and I’ll be eligible for foodshare like I am now, it really helps with food costs.
I earned $7000 from the Segal Education Awards so that’ll another 27%
I’ll have saved up for the remaining 10%
I’ll figure out the remaining years.

I just emailed the Office of Registrar for residency for tuition.

I came here Aug 1st and classes will start after that this year so I will have lived in Wisconsin for 1 year by then.