<p>would you mind terribly posting your stats, yet again (and you thought you'd leave those behind with the chance threads...), so I can basically judge myself against you?</p>
<p>I don’t think that’s very constructive…
Or very accurate – you’ll get like 3 individuals’ stats, which won’t be a very accurate reflection of the entire class. If you must compare yourself in a numbersy way, know that the median SAT score is like 700 or 710 on each part, and the median GPA is like a 3.8 or something, unweighted. If you’re not an URM or a published author or something, you’ll probably want to be above that median, but not necessarily (after all, half of the class is below the median).</p>
<p>I agree with flying_pig. numbers tell very little of the story. if you’re anywhere near he median scores for Wes, then scores wont be an obstacle to you anymore. then it’s about what kind of person you are and other random crapshoot stuff. even adding in EC’s doesnt tell the whole story… your recs and essay will also complete the picture.</p>
<p>yes, I know, It’s just that I’m anxious and have a tendency to over-analyze, so now when I’ve got nothing to do but wait and nothing to analyze, it’s just making me more anxious.</p>
<p>Yeah, but analyzing numbers that clearly don’t tell the whole story (you won’t see essays; you won’t see recommendations) will only make you more anxious.</p>
<p>I don’t know why people are jumping all over stacyx09. People do this on every other board lol.</p>
<p>Yes neethus1 I agree. Don’t bash people by saying everything 3 times.</p>
<p>and my response is the same to all, regardless of which board. numbers tell very little, and it does no good to try to compare. this website in general kicks people’s anxiety up way too high, and chances threads dont help…</p>
<p>i didn’t mean to bash her.
on the contrary, i thought she was being counterproductive and it would be better for her emotional health to stop overanalyzing. anxiety sucks but i have learned that no amount of knowledge will satiate it.</p>
<p>This sort of thread may exist “on every other board lol,” but I like to think it’s a testament to Wesleyan that there’s less of the “OMG POST UR STATS” here.</p>
<p>Okay… I just didn’t think it was necessary to jump all over her for asking so. Like SuperMario said, there were multiple posts telling her that it was unnecessary. Honestly I think it’s just interesting to read stats - I don’t necessarily compare myself against them, but I like reading them for entertainment lmao. Maybe I’m just odd… and also I like reading how some kids get in even after establishing that it was a reach, and then are really excited about it. That’s usually why I like seeing stats. Nor is anyone like “OMG POST YOUR STATS”; the OP asked politely.</p>
<p>Not trying to start an, um, e-fight here or something…</p>
<p>On the other hand, flying_pig I understand that you were just concerned for her, lol. :)</p>
<p>neethus – sorry if I came off like a jerk. If you enjoy reading stats threads, all the power to you. I guess I just see them as a silly and superficial aspect of CC. And it’s always a skewed sample.</p>
<p>Anyway, ED II decisions come soon. Let’s talk about something more interesting to survive the wait.</p>
<p>Any of you guys see Synecdoche, New York? Holy shiit, I cannot. stop. thinking. about. that movie.</p>
<p>jesus just post your stats already and if you don’t want to then don’t. there’s nothing remotely out of line about asking people who got admitted what their stats were (are?). actually it’s probably even more useful than just knowing random applicants’ stats, coz obviously not all applicants are admitted.</p>
<p>“anxiety sucks but i have learned that no amount of knowledge will satiate it.”</p>
<p>Incorrect. knowledge of all types is born of anxiety, the most beneficial being self-knowledge. a certain degree of neurotic over-analytical tendency in one’s personality is in fact necessary to establish a base of understanding of your own self and motives. this base, given time to age properly, develops into a rich analytical ability which will dramatically increase one’s intellectual capability in the abstract as well as one’s self-knowledge on the practical level, leading to increased satisfaction in the long-term as you become better enabled to act according to your true interests/squelch your negative tendencies.</p>
<p>flying_pig i’m sorry but I don’t agree with you at all</p>
<p>let me make my argument clearer - knowledge/information fed to your brain by your sense of anxiety and analyzed by it leads eventually to a clearer understanding of your self which is ultimately an advantage to you</p>
<p>I didn’t say knowledge isn’t related to anxiety, I said when you are being neurotic about college admissions, getting more and more knowledge to get a better sense of your chances won’t help. Nothing can cure your anxiety except knowing for sure whether or not you get in.
And the OP isn’t trying to get a “clearer understanding of herself”, she’s trying to figure out her chances of getting in! Come on now.</p>
<p>But fine, I’ll post my stats:
2230 SAT: 710 CR, 730 M, 790 W
4.0 unweighted (not including senior year), 4.6 weighted (again, not including senior year)
ECs in chorus, spanish, 200 hrs community service
including many leadership roles
honors in chorus for a few things</p>
<p>No problem (z). I’ve seen you post around CC and I knew that you were pretty nice… so when I read your post, it did come off as kind of abrasive, but it’s fine Agree to disagree, I suppose.</p>
<p>Also, I’ve never seen that movie? Or heard of it even… what’s it about anyway?</p>
<p>yeah, sorry I joined in on the fray. didnt mean to state an opinion so overbearingly. I just try to keep people less anxious… hope it didnt backfire</p>
<p>I’ll go ahead:
GPA: 4.05W, 3.75 UW
ACT: 29
Extra: Volunteering, got my Gold Award, I work and I wrote my essay about my culture
You can look up anything else under my name-link thing. I was soooo nervous I had like a million chance threads :)</p>
<p>Honestly, I know this might be a little corny but I was very true to myself during this process. I did everything on my own and worked my behind off Be yourself during this process because then they can find something unique about you. That’s the best advice I can give. Good Luck! :)</p>
<p>I’ll do it too
SAT: CR730 M620 W680 (1350/2030)
SAT II:Lit: 700, MATH 1: 610 French: 630
Internatioanl student from India but a US Citizen
ECs: MUN 2 years, won awards at the national level and international level; organized an intl mun conference and been chair at the american school’s MUN, writer been working for the past year as a journalist for a mjor paper in my city and editor of school newspaper for 2 years, trained in opera and western classical music as well as passed 2 trinity college of music examinations and im a member of debate club and language club, where i speak fluent french, english and tamil as well as reasonable japanese and korean and hindi
Oh, and i volunteered a bit!</p>
<p>Best of Luck!</p>