FPF Schedule Worries

<p>Like everyone else, I submitted my schedule by the June 1st deadline, but I didn't realize that I probably wouldn't be able to change my schedule afterwards. At this point I don't even remember what I signed up for, but I know that it's going to change. (First, I fulfilled my R&C since by some miracle I got a 5 on AP Lit. Second, I signed up really late, so a lot of classes probably filled up already.)</p>

<p>What I'm worried about is my math class. I took AP Calc BC but I got a 3 on the test (AB subscore = 4), so I signed up for math 1b. Now I'm not so sure if I should be taking that class. I thought I should sign up for math 53 or 54 since a lot of my friends are doing that... but I heard that premeds can just take 1a-b and be done with the requirement, so I'm thoroughly confused. I'm not sure what my major is either, but I think I'm MCB, if that matters.</p>

<p>What should I do?</p>

<p>you can check the classes that you have signed up for on telebears.berkeley.edu or bearfacts.berkeley.edu </p>

<p>I’d probably start off at either 1B or 1A, depending on how much you plan on stepping up next year - I definitely would recommend NOT starting at 53, and if you’re premed you should probably just start at 1A so you don’t have to take it at all. </p>

<p>as for your classes, once your phase 2 hits I believe you can change all of your classes during your appointment, and again once the open hours start after everyone has had their appointment.</p>