Freshman Dorms/ Greek Life/ Diversity?

<p>Hi! I might be going to Geneseo in the Spring (or Fall, if I get in). </p>

<p>Which dorms are the quietest- least party-like?</p>

<p>I not saying that I'm anti-social, but I would rather stay away from the party scene as much as possible. </p>

<p>BTW I'm interested in a suite style dorm- Is this available to freshman? Also, are roommates randomly assigned or do you have to find one yourself?</p>

<p>Are most students part of frats? What about diversity? I know that most of the population is white, but what about the rest? Are Geneseo students accepting? I'm from NYC (where there's obviously a lot of diversity), and I quite worried. </p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Also could Geneseo students give their thoughts on the different residence halls and housing in general? Thanks</p>

<p>I wouldn’t recommend suite-style. It’s a lot harder to meet people. Stick to corridor.</p>

<p>I don’t know about party dorms. There’s no real “partying” in the freshman dorms. Maybe Onondaga is a bit loud, but besides that…</p>

<p>I’m from NYC as well. I haven’t found anyone to be unaccepting, really. Main thing to worry about is that you quickly run out of things to do if you’re used to being in the city and always having something to do.</p>

<p>Another Geneseo student who I spoke to said that he lives in Onondaga and he doesn’t like how people have less courtesy in the bathrooms since its shared among more people and that it can get loud. His opinion steered me towards suites because I like the idea of having my own room and I think your suitemates would care more about general cleanliness than your floor since its more personal… But I didn’t think that it could be more difficult to meet people through suites. What is your actual experience with this bio blade?</p>

<p>There are dorms for every type of experience. Onondaga can be loud, yes, but that’s also where you’ll find some of the most bonding because about a third of the freshman class lives there. Sometimes there is less courtesy in the corridor style bathrooms, but what I’ve found is that the RAs will crack down on that stuff. Dante house is for the honors/ international students or people interested in being in a small close knit environment. It’s the smallest res hall on campus and it has a full kitchen, which daga doesn’t have. Then there’s Jones which is kind of the equivalent to Daga on north side. It’s smaller but it’s another all purpose freshman hall.
The problem that I find with suites is that you will have alot less control, even the you feel that you will. In a corridor style, if a bathroom is a total mess, you can just go to another one rather than arguing with your suitemates over whose fault the mess was. Also, if you don’t get along with your roommate, which I didn’t, it’s alot easier to get away if you have friends down the hall rather than in your suite. It’s harder to separate your life from the other five people. That being said though, you could have a great suite and become best friends. But alot of the people who have had great friends in their suites haven’t branched out and met new people. I would highly suggest corridor style your first year though. If you want a quieter dorm and want to be on southside with most other freshman Dante is a good bet. Livingston is also incredibly quiet.</p>