Recommend a Dorm For Me?

<p>Hi! I just got accepted into Geneseo and I am very excited to be going there. I am wondering where I should live my freshman year. I am a very quiet person and I like to study and hang out in my room a lot. Does anyone who knows Geneseo recommend a hall for me? I am gonna try for a single, but since I heard that's near impossible, I would love some help. Thank you :D</p>

<p>I lived in Wayne my freshman year and my floor was pretty quiet. They have extended quiet hours since it’s the honors dorm and there’s a nice study lounge. Personally, I didn’t care for it because I wanted a more social environment, but you might like it.</p>

<p>You would fit in perfectly in Wayne.</p>

<p>I lived in Wayne my freshman year and LOVED it. Honestly, living there was possibly the best decision I ever made at Geneseo and it helped define the rest of my time here.</p>

<p>It is a quieter dorm, and not as crazy as Daga. However, everyone in my year at Wayne ended up being really close knit. It’s a different experience, but if you are a good fit for it, no other dorm experience beats it. I got to know international students, and most of the folks i met were driven and hard working.
Most of my best friendships formed in Wayne, and those same friends are still my closest buddies now. A lot of the Wayne kids from my year, including myself, still live with or near each other several years later , and many of them are doing great things now. </p>

<p><em>completely biased reflection of a senior</em></p>

<p>I forgot to mention that I also lived in Wayne my freshman year (which is right now) and although I didn’t really fit in it, I know a lot of the residents got super close and are all living with each other next year which is pretty cool.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help. I went for Wayne and feel a little more comfortable knowing that it’s not going to be the traditional college experience.</p>