Frost School of Music

@elise303 pretty sure that’s always been there

Results are in. I am a HURRICANE!!!. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE []_[]. WOOT! WOOT!!!

Congratulations @PCJazz! My S was admitted to, but no merit award - did you get one? Where does it say on the website?

Same to you. No, but I think that when my sister received her Presidential scholarship, it came a bit later. I wonder who will receive, or has received the Stamps Jazz ensemble full ride? I hope that it is me! :)>-
For those interested in academics, I have 3.6ish cum and a 29 ACT

The guitarist is Tim Watson. I don’t know the names of the others.

Congrats everyone. When you figure how we find out about merit aid please post. Will it be an email letter or on portal.

@beaglemom, I believe on the portal…by Friday.

Thank you. Congrats to your son. What instrument

Accepted trombone performance, 3.6 and 2010 old SAT

Jazz? I will look forward to jam!

Classical lol

Hope that is the case!

@beaglemom My daughter is accepted but her aid letter only shows grants/loans/work study. I am hoping to hear from other students and parents about whether scholarship $ comes in separately. One mom indicated that her son learned of scholarships and grants together. So hoping others have had different experiences.

Accepted this evening (of course). Scholarship money showed up on the portal a few hours later. Not enough for us.

Scholrship money came through last night.

are we talking merit scholarship money or talent scholarship money?

Just signed up for housing. I am a jazz pianist. Male. Any jazz students interested in rooming together?

To the people who got their admission decision - were they the admissions for EA or for regular decision? I applied for regular decision and have not gotten a decision yet (but I’m anxiously waiting though lol)

My S and his friend both received their acceptance notification last night. One received a merit award and one receive financial aid. So, I think that both are included in the notifications last night.

I think that the music school required a live audition, and that everyone in the music school was regular decision, not EA. At least, that is my memory about it.