FSU Class of 2027 Official Thread

Anyone get notification of a Grandparent Waiver or know how we find out if we get one?

OOS - low stats but Portal still says ā€œunder reviewā€ nothing else, no email.

Yes, it was in my scholarship letter.

Daughter accepted OOS
4.47 W not sure the conversion to FSU GPA
4.0 UW
31 ACT/ 32Superscore
Lots of ECā€™s, Varsity tennis, President of two clubs
Received OOS Tuition Waiver
*received the overnight e mail. Iā€™m sorry for the stress the email caused. Best wishes to all.


OOS son was Accepted
4.1w/3.9uw gpa
1360 SAT
Varsity Hockey Captain
Decent ECā€™s

Also notified that he received the grandparent tuition waiver (scholarship letter attached to the bottom of the acceptance letter). Heā€™s very excited but does anyone know if acceptance means heā€™s automatically accepted into his major? He applied to the business school as a real estate major and it still lists that as his major. I just know that for a few other schools, heā€™s been accepted to the university but not necessarily to their business school yet. Oftentimes, thatā€™s a separate process and that acceptance/rejection comes later.

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How are the out of state tuition waivers given? Is it merit based or was it something that we had to do during the application process? Our daughter got in OOS (30 ACT, 4.5 GPA, numerous leadership activities and ECā€™s) but I donā€™t remember anything about this waiver submission and I donā€™t think it was mentioned in the acceptance letter. Any feedback appreciated.

Merit based. No separate application. It is based on admission application. The scholarship link would be at bottom of decision letter.

You need a 32 act for the waiver


Yes, my son was accepted and on the bottom of the decision letter there is a clickable link to a ā€œscholarship letterā€ which had the full details of the grandparent tuition waiver that he received. My son applied for the waiver on pretty much the first day that the waiver forms were released. I donā€™t remember the exact date but FSU was the first college he applied to because of this.


No one is admitted to a business major at FSU. They are listed as business NFA (not formally admitted) until they meet the criteria and can declare after completing the first 60 credits. They donā€™t have to apply, though, just meet the criteria.

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DS out of state, blown away!! Was hoping he would get in ā€” but he just received an amazing full tuition scholarship elsewhere and knew that if honors and scholarship $$ did not come through that he would be unlikely to consider FSU even though he loves it there.

He was offered admission, honors college, and presidential scholar semi-finalist (need to dig into what that is). He was asked to submit video by next Wednesday for further consideration.

3.83 uw/4.19 high school weighted GPA / 4.06 (as far as we can guess) FSU GPA
1540 SAT
Decent ECs
I never can tell if it is a good essay or not ā€” but I obviously good enough


Thank you. Darn no waiver but we are very excited he got in given the amazing stats of the admitted class published today. Maybe we applied too late as it was early October? Or maybe they have more to give out? :pray:

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When you apply doesnā€™t matter, as long as itā€™s before the deadline. And itā€™s quite unlikely that theyā€™ll award more scholarships. But - anything could happen!

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I believe they do allot more waivers throughout the coming months.

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This is in reference to the grandparent waiver.

Yes, grandparent waivers will be distributed as other decline them. But OOS tuition waivers based on merit likely will not.

The grandparent waiver is not like the other scholarships at FSU. When you apply does matter in terms of getting the scholarship because itā€™s on a first come, first serve basis. I believe last year that approx 30 grandparent waivers were given to FSU. So, the first that applied and got in were the first to be chosen for the gparent waiver (as long as they met the minimum criteria for SAt score). I double checked and we submitted our gparent waiver on 8/19/22. I really think this is the main reason why we got itā€¦with 70k+ applications you probably had to have your application in the first week or so.

The good news is that of those that have been given out, if the student doesnā€™t end up going to FSU then they will give that grandparent waiver to the next qualified applicant. I also heard that last year they released more scholarships to each public school in Florida which each school gave out much later on that same first come/first serve basis. Iā€™m hoping you have some good news coming your way in the months ahead regarding the grandparent waiver.

I could only nag so long about the urgency of getting the applications in as I knew it was FCFS but he got busy with senior year things soā€¦it will be what it will be. Fabulous school so heā€™s excited and so are we.


Accepted to the honors program but no mention of any scholarship. Does honors program have any perks ?


Yes, if you are semi finalists for presidential scholarship then you are auto admitted to honor college.