<p>I am trying to think of something. Please help me out. Other clubs in the school have done stuff affiliated with cancer centers etc.</p>
<p>Any great cause or clever idea? </p>
<p>How should i go about affiliating us with an organization like red cross or something? should i call them?</p>
<p>At my school, we have car washes for our senior scholarship fund for NHS. But since you want to raise money for outside organizations, we tend to do walks. WE make an NHS “team” for walks for causes like: breast cancer, juvinile diabetes, MS, and march of dimes.</p>
<p>yeah, no walks. its too cold outside for that. im thinkin of something like that incorporates the entire school and raises a lot of money in a short amount of time. Something like competition between classes for 10 minutes one day and the winner gets something like free breakfast one morning. Howver, another club already took that idea so I need to come up with something clever, different, and something that will have a significant impact in helping.</p>
<p>Here’s something easy. In one of my grades earlier on in school we had a “penny war”. Each class had to collect pennies, and you could sabotage other classes with silver coins. And whoever had the most pennies in their can won after a week. And the money went to Riley’s Children’s Hospital. I think we raised something like $500 dollars, and this was in elementary school. And that was pretty good, being that it was just coins.</p>
<p>^thanks. any more ideas?</p>