Gen Ed Requirements

<p>I'm looking at the Gen Ed requirements of the various schools I'm planning to apply to, and I had a couple questions about Wisconsin's requirements. Can a course satisfy multiple requirements? For instance, if I needed Psych 202 as a business prerequisite, would that also satisfy the social science breadth requirement? And would math courses count as both natural science breadth AND quantitative reasoning? Could a class fulfill a breadth or major requirement and also Comm Part B? I'm just trying to figure out how much flexibility there is.</p>

<p>I think I found my own answer - I was mistakenly looking at the L&S gen eds., and when I found them for the business school, it was pretty clear that you can’t use the business prerequisites and math courses to satisfy them. If anyone familiar with the business school can tell me otherwise or give me more details, I’d appreciate it!</p>

<p>No double-counting of requirements.</p>

<p>However, any foreign language retro credits DO count toward the 120 needed for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (this was a change in 2008 from previous years).</p>