Gender Inclusive Housing @ Exeter

@bodangles Well yes. Do you think it is fun to have people assume that you are racist or sexist because you are conservative? Go on youtube and there are tons of videos of liberals beating someone who is a conservative. Since my town is conservative, I generally do not get abuse from my peers. However, I do get this type of abuse online when I try to express my opinion.

@stargirl3 Then why don’t we just stop outright supporting it? Look, I like to compromise on issues and not spend hours bickering. My problem is with the fact that schools are outright supporting leftist ideas. I would rather have a school who does not take sides. However, it is incredibly rare to have schools that do this as the “left” is deemed the “right” way of life. Honestly, most of the Liberals, are NOT EVEN AFFECTED BY IT. They just love to start their own troubles. These days, it is impossible to say anything without internet warriors ripping you.

@Bunny8280, schools are teaching knowledge: facts, science, innovation, progress. Often this doesn’t agree with some aspects of political ideology. So you’ll be challenged to examine closely some presumptions and start thinking independently rather than repeating slogans. This is part of learning.

For the record, we are a liberal family living in THE most conservative state in the nation. So you’ll survive BS fine. You may even grow! I see lots of room for it.

Some things I’ve learned from living among people who are nothing like me: 1) overdramaticizing doesn’t help drive my point across; 2) I can have different views but can’t expect everyone else to adopt them; 3) listen, listen, listen, and then listen some more. Go for the common and build up from there. You’ll find you agree with most people on most things. The people and things you find disagreeable will then be easily left alone.

No one in BS will treat you badly, diminish you, ridicule you, or target you in any negative way if you yourself are respectful and reasonable. One unexpected effect of BS for us was that our DD became more open to considering other points of view, including conservative ones. I believe @ChoatieMom once expressed something similar too.

I’ve stated my case and now I bow out. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, wherever you are. Hopefully you get some sun!

Yeah, and I’ve been told women shouldn’t be in engineering, that I can’t comprehend intellectual competition, and that I’ll never achieve anything. All online. The internet is a lovely place.

@Bunny8280 I continue to support the LGBT community because it continues to be targeted. Even if it did not affect me, I would support because I have empathy for those who are affected.

Empathy is good. Also consider this quotation from Martin Niemöller

Empathy must be a wild leftist idea!

@stargirl3 Indeed! Forcing people to convert to liberalist ideas and support their cause is!

Clearly you’re not being “forced to convert.”


You do realize that was sarcasm right?

Regardless, Empathy has nothing to do with politics. Its an emotion. Liberals and and conservatives both have the ability to empathize (whether they choose to use it or not). To empathize with someone else is the ability to comprehend and share the feelings of another… It doesn’t matter what those feelings are.

Edit: I tried to ignore it but could not… “liberalist” is not a word :wink:

Correction: “Liberalist” is a word… its just not a word to be used in the context of conservative/liberal ideology … A liberalist believes in " a person’s freedom to choose and then reap the benefits or suffer the consequences [of the choice] " …

Moral of the Story: adding an “ist” to the end of the word sometimes changes the whole intent of the sentence :wink: .

@Bunny8280 - I left the democrat party ( after 30 years ) in 2012, and never looked back.

I’m a proud independent now, and I definitely appreciate and support all your posts. I’m hearing more young voices speak out lately, and frankly I find it refreshing because it will raise the bar. No one should ever tell anyone how to feel or what to think. That’s your journey and yours alone.

Shocking revelation @PhotographerMom


As an FYI for the group, I deleted the above response, not because I agree or disagree with it, but because I have no idea to whom the user is referring.

If you want to respond to a post, use BB codes to quote the section of the post, or at the very least tag the user with the @ sign.

I know it was only implemented this year and it may be too soon to ask but if OP or anyone else would like to chime in and give us an update sometime … that would be awesome!

Can I ask a serious question and hopefully get non flaming responses? Published stats say that trans population is about 3 tenths of one percent of the overall population. So while that may be sizeable at a large state university, at a boarding school that should equal about 2 or 3 students. Is there some reason the population is higher than average at these schools? Just wondering if it is self selection in applying or whart?

Is that including EVERYONE? Because what I’d like to know are the stats for how common being trans is in the younger generations. It may be that more young trans people are admitting to it / being “out” now.

This one says 0.7% of teens: but not sure what other numbers are out there.

Ok, let’s say its seven tenths of one percent instead of three tenths. The point is still that in such small populations as a private school, statistically, we are talking about a small handful of people. If not, why not?

I don’t know that it is, at least not from a statistical standpoint. At least for Andover, and realizing that the responses are self-reported and the terms are open to interpretation.

Regardless, it’s similar, IMO, to why many LGBTQIA people move to NYC, SF, LA, etc., after college - go where you’re comfortable.

I don’t think anyone is restructuring campus housing options for 2 students. It seems unlikely. If we are to believe the survey, there are far larger groups that might want separate housing options…say sexual assault survivors…that don’t get them.