Geneseo Part-Time Jobs

<p>I just got my acceptance letter today. How difficult it is to find a job around the geneseo area for students? I won't have a car and would like to work as a server at a restaurant.</p>

<p>Jobs are really abundant for students, particularly on-campus and at restaurants on Main Street, so no car needed at all! (I would say this is generally true about Geneseo as a whole.) CAS, the company that operates food and services at Geneseo, will hire anyone - within one week, I got a position at Books ‘n’ Bytes Cafe, but larger dining halls have a variety of positions too. I genuinely enjoyed my job for my freshman and sophomore year, made very good friends with other student employees and regular customers, and got famous for making generous sandwiches. I now work for CIT, Computer Information Technology, and this is genuinely the best, most rewarding position I’ve ever held - it’s not my major and now I so enjoy my work I’m considering IT as a back-up career. The hours are more flexible than CAS, where you always have to find someone to cover your shift, but CIT really mentors students, allows for creativity and doesn’t leave you exhausted from working on your feet (in fairness to CAS, I choose to work the last shift for 3 semesters straight.) For what it’s worth, I am not on workstudy, but am paid through “temp service” so if you have a little bit of skills and enthusiasm to learn, there are lots of on-campus jobs that can actually bolster and diversify your resume.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance, and kudos to you for your ambition!</p>