George Washington Regular Decision 2026

Is it? Also, does it say a major or just CAS? I’m confused.

What does just CAS mean? My daughter got same

Hello, ours did not specify.

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I mean does that mean undeclared?

College of arts and sciences

Did anyone get accepted into Spring 2023? My Daughter just did. It says that if she is interested, to fill out form and she will get a financial aide offer within a week. I can’t see my daughter waiting a semester to go to school.


i’m so depressed when i received the rejection, gw was my dream school, i’m considering if it possible to appeal at April 15th. But i barely can’t find any policies about the appealing policies.
pls help.

me too

Where is the link in the portal to attend admitted student’s day? Or any tour? I don’t see anything in the portal other than the checklist and the decision letter.

Did you apply EA/ED at any of your top schools? UCSD aligns with your academic record and is a fantastic school! My daughter was accepted at UMASS and similar with much lower grades than yours - also applied SAT optional. She got Paris Scholars Program at GW.

Anyone’s kids conservative here? My daughter is pretty right leaning.


Well, DC area is very much left leaning. Even people who are truly independent need to know how to keep their mouth shut here… If your daughter knows how to not discuss any “hot” issues, she will be fine. There are some conservative people here, but they are minority.

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Her essay was on cancel culture and it’s cons. I’m actually surprised they accepted her c

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It’s leaning more to left, but not entirely left. I would say that it’s about 70% to 30% on campus. Depend on how “right leaning” she is, there should be ppl with similar mind set. They got the biggest campus democrat and campus republicans.

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Look for ‘Next steps’ in the Menu.

where does honors college accept show

Click the Special Programs tab in the portal as that was where we found my D22’s honors program notification.

Son got email that specifically indicated admission to honors college (he applied to program and to CAS in general) and got separate financial aid email (Presidential scholarship!). Hope that helps and best of luck.

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Same here. Spring semester. I called to see if I can get an idea of how many kids would be in the Spring start time but did not get a clear answer. Concerned about dorms available that late and the socialization with other freshmen that already adjusted to campus.

Same here. Just says admitted to CAS

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