George Washington Regular Decision 2026

Admitted with Presidential scholarship of 19K. Asian . SAT score 1480, GPA 3.98 uw/4.67w . Moderate ECs. From Public school in Montg County. letter says College of Arts and Sciences. No specific major.


S admitted for engineering. Got $28k annually.

1300, 4.0 UW. Excellent ECs and essay.


Congratulations! What’s your intended major?

Same situation here for my DD with Spring start offer. I’m concerned as well and how this would work. Not loving this as an option

Same for my daughter. Not an ideal situation at all. We haven’t contacted the school yet but if they can’t give me those details it’s probably going to be a no from her. My son started college in COVID and it’s been rough for him to meet people and make solid friendships bc he spent first semester at home.

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Does anyone see the merit in the portal where the financial aid is? Mine DD’s is not listed, although, it is in the letter.

Daughter accepted with $20k presidential scholarship. :smiley: BFA, Fine Arts, 1320 SAT, 4.0, great ECs. Anyone hear about Corcoran scholars?


Public Policy

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I did not, I really needed to know the financials before committing. I was a (initially)bit clueless about the UCs and their early application dates. I did know how crazy competitive they are, so I thought I probably didnt have a big chance. If Id been better prepared earlier in the fall I might have tried for 1 or 2.

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Very generous offer and we are considering. I am concerned about the years 2-4 and how much FA will change? my D was awarded the presidential scholarship and also need based aid. An additional $30 is hard to swallow if it changes next year. Also I am noticing tuition is increasing year over year substantially like 5% if you lol up prior years.


GW tended to be true to the EFC each year.

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You mean to say the NPC for GWU matches with the EFC?

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If that’s the case I can be good with that. It came close this year to our efc. Is it true?

My son just got admitted at the school of engineering, with a huge merit scholarship, totally unexpected. He is happy but he was set on UMD engineering with a very little merit and now the decision is very difficult. His dream school or a school almost paid for? If going to GW he will be commuting as we are 30 min away with the metro, so he will save money on room & board.

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Is room and board optional or required?

Room and board is optional only if commuting. He will get an exception if living at home, which he will if going to GW, we are 30 min away with the metro.

I wouldn’t want to commute to college, but I understand the savings aspect. Personally, I think kids should get out on their own and not live at home.

My daughter admitted for spring as well. Spring start is not ideal but at least it’s an acceptance. Elliott School.
She is concerned about the delayed transition and missing main orientation.
I emailed the admission and they said usually there are about 100 students starting in spring (Jan 5th) and they have their own orientation but from the amount of applications they received it looks like it will be double that this year

Not sure how many here are accepting the spring start but could be helpful to have a group

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Son waitlisted, 1500 SAT, 4.2 GPA, lots of ECs