George Washington University RD 2021

yes, I’m a parent

@cavs4lf what a joke lol. High school students have no obligation to be respectful to adults on a website designed for high school students. Honestly it’s creepy that some parents are so obsessed with the college process that they feel the need to project their anxiety onto the actual kids involved in the process. If an adult says something over dramatic and ridiculous, seniors aren’t obligated to be kind and respectful towards them.

@drowning2021 you’re right it is creepy because aren’t these forums just for students NOT parents?

@drowning2021 I don’t think it’s necessarily that high school students need to be respectful to adults but that we should all be respectful to each other (or at least not fight over silly things like last night’s snapchat or who should be on this thread). Also, I’m saying this as someone who is a high school senior.

I agree @flute1298 It’s a ton of money and they need to just get it done…there are bigger schools that do it

@drowning2021 - you will go far in life if you learn an important lesson…be respectful to those that are respectful to you. And sometime, even be respectful to those that aren’t nice to you.

I was neither disrespectful nor condescending to any of the posters…I had a complaint about the admissions process. I, as anyone else, have a right to voice my complaint. YOU have a right to disagree. If you do so respectfully, people are more likely to listen.

Someone told me, I shouldn’t have said “cruel”, I thought about it, and they were right…I should have said I was hoping the counselors would be compassionate.

Both parents and students have co existed on these forums since you were in elementary school, I think we can continue to do so…for the next few days

@drowning2021 It’s like that overly aggressive football dad who tries so hard to get his son into the NFL because the dad suffered an injury that made him unable to continue playing

I am a student and @flute1298 is completely justified in what they said. Parents and students are all stressed out with the process and everyone has different thoughts. Just because you don’t agree doesn’t invalidate how others are feeling. If someone has something to say, let them say it. Just because they don’t like the admissions process doesn’t mean they have anything against a school. The admissions process doesn’t define a school.

“College Confidential was founded to “demystify many aspects of the college admissions process, and to help even ‘first timer’ students and parents understand the process.”” - Wikipedia History of college confidential (students AND parents)

Can everyone please just shut up lmao I wanna know if I get into college or not - keep your personal stuff out of here we should use his just to help each other

Why am I feuding with parents right now lol

The applying to college Reddit is so much better because there are no annoying snoopy parents who feel the need to reflexively humblebrag about their D and S at all time.

Relax guys. I know that this is a stressful time. However, I need to point out that Terms of Service requires respectful discourse. Additionally, any member in good standing is allowed to post in whatever thread s/he chooses. Parents and students are welcome everywhere. Good luck to all.

Parents are so obsessive about this process. They have consistently said decisions would be available by April 1. They have to review tens of thousands of applications. There are so many factors that they have to consider and take care of before they are ready. For example, there were a lot of students having issues submitting the extra Financial Aid documents. I submitted mine a month ago and they did not put them in until two days ago. This is an overwhelming process for the college to undertake and whether we knew last week or today what the decision was does not make a difference. Now obsessive parents cluttering the forum with complaints about the process is not lessening my stress as a student. Its not cruel, and its not a lack if conpassion, its just a difficult process that I would rather them get right than rush and make a mistake.

i’m so excited! this and nyu are the last schools im waiting on. i just want to make a choice X_X

i’m mostly anxious for the PSA results. any other people who auditioned for the PSA scholarship??

It’s between GW and American for me, so I’m excited for this decision so I can decide where I’m going!!

@cominguproses same for my son, too. (GWU and NYU)

So if they are releasing today, why haven’t we gotten an email? has anyone talked to them on the phone today?

@senior2017nola I tried to call and it said the office was closed