George Washington University RD 2021

my bad… i thought my posts didn’t go through thats why i repeated myself

don’t have it :frowning:

its not working

how do i kmow my pin???

if you look at the financial aid portal there may be another tab with admissions and underneath it will say enrollment deposit, i have it!

okay, i just called the IT and asked him about it because on my admissions tab i had the same thing, and he said that it doesn’t guarantee anything, he is unsure why it says that and is sorry about that, he recommended i call admissions so that is what im doing now

I was able to go all the way to the payment center select the term for undergraduate, I could have paid the deposit. That was not there before, because I tried. maybe a good sign. Or maybe they know I was lurking around somewhere there had not told me to go and now I will become a reject. Paranoid much!

if you didnt apply for financial aid how do u check

@senior2017nola they would never agree to the fact that a glitch exists in their system.

Here is what the website looks like in case anyone was wondering

please advise, will you have received an email first? and which admissions tab? the portal or activity?

I check on GWeb and I have the tab for admissions and it says to pay my deposit! Hopefully this means I’m admitted because other wise I might’ve gotten my hopes up for no reason

@yellowrocks75 thank you!

yeah, he seemed totally oblivious to it, like i dont think he realized
admissions is not answering though because they are so busy, but i could got to the point to pay my enrollement deposit, what is thisssssssss omgggg!

@hopefulfso sorry but what’s GWEB? so many different places! they said to go and set up GW portal is that diff?

if this is all real and they are releasing stuff today, why didnt we get an email like they said, its so confusing

@gbr2017 GWeb is where you see your financial aid information, you can reach through the new Force admission portal under the Financial Aid section! However, I don’t know how you can access it if you didn’t apply for aid, sorry :-/ if that’s your case maybe if you call GW they can give you a way

I have the admissions tab too!!

I don’t have the admissions tab…bad sign I’m assuming

Has anyone talked to admissions about this?