George Washington University RD 2021

i can’t log in to the financial aid portal because i don’t think i set up a pin

how do you get there through the new portal???

i did apply for financial aid though

My DD has the admissions tab that says to pay enrollment deposit. But no financial aid information other than documents received.

im on the phone with them now

i will let you guys know!

So did anyone get the admissions tab without applyign for financial aid?

@senior2017nola Thank you!!

I did apply for financial aid and I have the tab, but when I try to find out how much FA it say it’s currently unavailable. Also, on the portal, it said I was missing a FA document so I went to the gweb to find out what it was but I couldn’t find anything. So I’m worried I won’t get any aid because I didn’t turn the stuff in.


I did not apply for financial aid and can see the admissions tab.

where do you see it?

My S portal has the Admission Tab and we did not apply for Financial Aid

On ours it talks about still getting financial aide documents as well. I thought we sent everything. D’s does have that extra tab. This is probably too good to be true.

okay, it is just a general thing that shows up on anyones portal, they didnt give any info about when they are releasing, i even asked if it was today and they said they can’t give me any definitive answer

I applied for FA but I do not see the tab… is this a bad sign?

@senior2017nola so it doesn’t mean anything?

It isn’t a general thing as it never had appeared before on the GWeb and has only appeared today. soo I really hope it means something

Guys, quit with the conjecture. The button may means something, or it may not. What I’m more interested is the timing. WHEN are the decisions to be released?

As the parent of twins…one has it, one doesn’t…make your own conclusions…