George Washington University RD 2021

Yeah I just realized there were no dining halls, I wish there were. I feel like you would use all of the Dining Cash eating out. I am also someone that likes to eat healthy, are there plenty of options?? @liveyourlife26

@mayc16 There are lot of options. You can get a lot of info from the following thread:

And if you are already into eating healthy, then you should know that it’s more costly to do that, whether at home or away at college. While there’s a lot of unhealthy food easily accessible on campus, there are options for healthy/picky eaters, you just have to seek it out. You can always ask around on campus, because you definitely won’t be the only healthy eater.

so the GW portal has been down since last night, I’m assuming it’s just routine maintenance, but I can’t help but wonder if “late march/early april” is a little earlier than anticipated since it’s been 9 hours

^ hoping so… thatd be awesome

they may be updating the websites in preparation for a mass update, without actually showing the applicants the decision

Yea, I just checked and it’s still under maintenance… Hopefully this means it’s coming soon

That would definitely be exciting but considering RD was notified on the 29th last year I wont get my hopes up

Yeah I think they will be up next friday… hopefully this friday though. thatd be cool

My normal admissions page is back up

mine isn’t :confused:

Looks like it went back down, it was online for me a few hours ago but is gone now

Did anyone receive a likely letter??

@mayc16 nope did you?

Nope, just wondering if any were sent this year

Can someone chance me?
GPA: 4.45 (W), 3.75 (UW)
Class Rank: Top 20% out of 320
ACT: 29
EC: Hospital volunteer, mentoring based club volunteer (over 100 hours), camp consuler for underpriveledged kids (volunteer), varsity softball (4years), newspaper, girl up club (feminism based club) and have worked a part time job for 20 hours a week for the past 2.5 years.
I wrote my common app essay on my personal and families struggle through my grandfathers alheizmers and my GW essay on how I have learned from the camp/mentoring club I volunteer with.
GW is one of my top pics so please please chance me I’m so nervous!

On the fin aid section of my portal, it says on the 8th an estimated financial aid package was created but its subject to revision… Does everyone see this on their messages, or should this be taken as a good sign?

@islandersfan1 do you mean the section at the bottom of the portal that lists whether they received fafsa/css profile or not? or is it another one bc I don’t see that

@islandersfan1 is that under the FAFSA and CCS received tab? I’m not getting a message about a financial aid package being created, so it may be a good sign for you

@goldenhobbes nah if you go to my eligibility, in the GW Info System, with the pin an everything, and click the link “view the history of your document submission and important messages” it shows up as one of the messages that an estimated fin aid package was created…

I’ve never logged into that, how do you get a pin for it?