George Washington University Transfer

What’s this email you received??? Did they send out decisions? Nothing for me, yet :frowning:

@ratscan i did not get acceptance for the fall. Best wishes to you guys!

I didn’t get anything today!! Ugh, are you kidding me?!

@niiniin What are your stats? If you don’t mind me asking… I also didn’t receive a decision today.

Me neither… Still waiting for Elliott!

Been reading this forum for the last month or so, I too have not received an email from GW today. If I’m not accepted I’ll be heading over to W&M with @dcstorm97. Beyond frustrated with GW and even spoken about it with a friend currently attending.

@dcstorm97 Sorry to hear you didn’t get in, but honestly I wish I applied to W&M as it seems to be a more respected/respectful institution. One of the best publics in the nation for sure. You’ll do great!

You all are going to be great wherever you go!!! I hope everyone is having an amazing 4th of July!! I just felt like posting my thoughts regarding this situation. Shoutout to the office staff because they are amazing and have put up with our constant questions 24/7 but GW really has to do better. It’s July. Like, JULY. I can’t belive that we are still in the dark and without a decision. This is so frustrating and disrespectful. However, hoping for better times soon. Xo

So to anybody who has been accepted, ( @msport ?) when did it give you to respond as to whether or not you would attend? Since this last round was dependent upon responses from may 31st (due July 2nd) when is this round of responses due (and potentially the next round coming?)

@heyitsmekz i was accepted back in late may, i had until july 2 or 7(idk which one) to make a deposit

@msport ah okay I thought you received a recent decision. Thanks tho! Does anybody know the deadline for accepting their offer for the decision that went out in early July?

What decision in early July? Nothing has come out…

Some People said they received decisions July 3rd (both yes and no) which is the day after the deadline the first round of people had (Recieved may 31st had till July 2nd) (second round received July 3rd have until ?)

@Andrspr did you get accepted on July 3rd?

Not to be snappy but y’all should really read the chat. He said that he didn’t get accepted. Only rejection letters were sent out on July 3rd.

@Sadboi99 what chat? also I was just clarifying, there was no explicit comment saying they got rejected.

@lliiiiiv Yes, there were explicit comments about our rejections. @Andrspr mentioned it one page back and I was on page 21.

@dcstorm97 Ohh I had to go back and find that. I try to update this page often but I get behind on you guys’ comments and I must have missed theirs. Either way, all the best for both of your futures! Sorry GWU didn’t work out.

Here are my stats in-depth so people can use these in the future should a comparable situation arise:

Elliott School transfer
Age: 26
Race: Hispanic / White
GPA: 3.73 from Northern Virginia Community College. I was in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and took a total of three honors courses.
Father was forty-year USAID Mission Director so I lived in Senegal for four years, Italy for two years, and Ethiopia for one year and traveled to twenty-five countries through my entire life through various means. I have a total of eight years overseas with military experience.
Adopted from Brazil (I would be classified as mestizo)
Mother is Colombian-American
I speak English fluently and Spanish professionally. I also act as a translator during my full-time job and have been successful at this.
4 year Marine combat veteran with one deployment to Afghanistan in a traditional infantry and advisory role, with secondary job as a trained Foreign Security Force Advisor with a deployment to Eastern Europe as my second deployment. My unit also assisted with the Ebola crisis in Liberia. I also received a honorable discharge and meritorious promotions to leadership ranks.
I worked at REI as an Outdoor Instructor for a year and a half and taught outdoor classes on a variety of disciplines including hiking, and travelling overseas utilizing State Department advisories. I was nominated for a national award.
I now work at LL Bean where I teach many of their Outdoor Discovery classes. I have taught about fifteen so far. This is a part-time job, but school encompasses the remaining “free-time” that I had. Awarded several times at my job for my dedication.
I was honored at a Marine Corps function for my dedication to career pursuits in Washington
Strong essay as writing is my strongest skill and received awards for my writing in high school and college.
I’ve been accepted into a State Department internship with their Bureau of Diplomatic Security pending final approval.
Great recommendations from my professors who agree I was one of the top students at their NOVA honors courses.
I volunteer with Team Rubicon, an all-veteran humanitarian aid organization with a deployment to Austin, Texas.

Perhaps some negatives so you get the full picture: I did have three withdrawals and circumstances with my friend in New Mexico being diagnosed with PTSD. I had to fly during a critical exam period last year in order to help him (I knew it was a critical moment and I was not about to lose my friend who grew up with me and served in the Marines together) and I knowingly had to fail two courses to repeat, one of which was Spanish and a very introductory Health course - easy courses for me. I later got an A in Anatomy and Physiology and A in Spanish 101 and 102 to give you an idea of my ability to succeed in health and languages. I made mention of this on my application. He graduated from University of New Mexico this year if anyone is curious. I also didn’t take as many honor courses as I would have liked and I wasn’t active on campus because of my full-time teaching job.

Good luck to everyone.

So they gave May 31st acceptances 1 month to put a deposit down. If they follow a similar timeline for recent/future acceptances, the deposit deadline should be early-mid August. That’s insane for the anticipated mid-late August start of the fall semester.