George Washington University Transfer

Isn’t that what waitlists are for?? Rather than just not replying for this extended period of time at all…

Hello! Does anyone know if there’s a groupchat or Facebook page for accepted transfer students? If not, I think we should definitely have one.

@Sadboi99 hi! there is a facebook group! search George Washington university fall 2018 transfers and request to join! im the admin :slight_smile:

@Sadboi99 Have you already been accepted for a while ?

Once again, I called the admissions office this afternoon. This time around, I seemed to get an even more generic and scripted answer than last week (if you can believe it). The admissions representative couldn’t answer my most basic questions. When pressed with the simple question of a broad deadline as to when we will hear a decision, she couldn’t provide me with a definitive answer. GW’s clearly has no respect for their prospective transfer students.
They are stringing us along on a wild goose chase that seems to be leading nowhere.
If a member of the GW admissions office happens to stumble upon this post, I urge you to take into full consideration the significant amount of effort, time, and energy that we have put into our applications.
I have a lot invested in this decision and our applications deserves the respect and consideration as anyone else, regardless of any external conflicts that may be plaguing your institution.

@ratscan I am really past the point of caring, mostly out of being misled so many times. Everyone from my parents to friends and co-workers are just as mystified with the numerous different things we are told. Let’s face it, they’re not going to get an epiphany and start communicating with us. Best thing to do is just wait. There is one fundamental truth in all of this misinformation: We have respected their time by turning in our documents before their deadline, but they do not respect our time.

They’re allowed to continue this behavior because there is a constant deluge of transfer students and freshmen students waiting to get in. If one or two students drops out, it doesn’t hurt them, nor would they care. In fact, it would probably even relieve them (although they wouldn’t admit this) because they have so many to process. It’s a business. If everyone stopped applying or if someone went to the media and raised a big ruckus like their ranking debacle several years ago, then questions would be raised.

@dcstorm97 I agree… They owe us a basic gratitude of respect. I am sure that they are doing the best they can with the unfortunate situation they have been given. However, this doesn’t take away from the fact that they need to do their jobs–and this includes transparency and communication with their applicants.
The decision making process regarding our applications has been shrouded in secrecy.

@ratscan I think they’re hard at work doing their jobs. I don’t think they’re sipping mojitos in Miami reading our applications, but it’s as you said: there is a serious lack of communication. An issue of this magnitude, if I were in their position I would send an email out to transfer students thanking them for their emails and calls and reiterating gratitude for applying. In the same email they can outline a hard deadline when everything would be emailed out. Because admissions officers have given me personally five different answers (and they seem aware of it), only an email from a top official could assuage the various concerns. But since social media and email is completely silent, we only have admissions officers giving us shoddy deadlines. The Head of Admissions is apparently the one asking the officers not to diverge from their script, and that’s per what they told me.

@dcstorm97 We are forced to conclude that GW does not value their transfer community. As you quite effectively said, I simply do not understand why they are keeping us in the dark.
At this point, any source of communication will suffice.
We are being left to make our own conclusions about the situation.

@ratscan I already plan to file a complaint with the Department of Veterans Affairs once this is over. These types of offenses are covered under using the GI Bill and is meant for instances like these where school officials provide misleading information that affects our quality of education. For instance, if I am accepted towards the latter part of the month, I will have less than a month to move and coordinate with the VA and school officials (and less than one week to file for Yellow Ribbon program that has limited seats), which then puts me at a severe disadvantage. These complaints also aren’t hidden. They do an investigation and once they arbitrate are posted publically on the VA website. If they had not provided me numerous different dates and made false promises and stuck to a specific date, I would not be forced to play this hand.

@dcstorm97 I have already started my application for other institutions in the DC area in expectation that we will not receive a favorable outcome.
Having said this, I am not a quitter and still believe that GW offers a terrific opportunity for students to enrich themselves in the world of politics.
I will see this through until the bitter end. Just hoping that they cooperate at some point in the near future…

I agree with you there. I hope a 3.73 with 59 credits with several honors courses, and being a veteran with volunteer work is enough for them.

@dcstorm97 You’ll be fine with those stats; usually, the lowest GPA you’ll see for a transfer is 3.4.

Just got the email… hope it’s good news for everybody here

I got the email. They said no to me with my stats above.


I just want you to know as a fellow GW applicant that you are definitely overqualified and worthy of a spot in GW’s transfer class. The way they treated transfers this year means it may have been a blessing in disguise for you, such an unorganized and informal process speaks more than the words they spew out themselves when contacting them. I ended up choosing to go elsewhere, but i’m sure you’ll be happier wherever else you decide to attend. Good luck, and don’t let this hold you down!

@Andrspr did you get admitted? I still haven’t received an email… hoping that’s a good thing.

@msport Yeah their delays and everything definitely makes this hurt a little less. They really don’t value transfers, that much is apparent to me. I’m going to William and Mary and I already have an internship at my future career inside Diplomatic Security at State where they say I’m already their top most qualified candidates. I don’t really need the credentials with GW nor have the lack of drive to get where I’m going in life.

@dcstorm97 I wish you the best of luck at W&M!

@ratscan Thank you. Best of luck to you all.