<p>dudes, i’m so bummed right now. just got the mail, and NO letters in richmond, va. but then again, richmond does have the worst postal record of any other place in the u.s. other than the virgin islands. guess i’ll be waiting until monday :'(</p>
<p>msa did you apply to CAS or another school?</p>
<p>where did you guys put in the AP scores? I got almost all fives from my soph and junior years’ 6 AP classes, but there wasn’t any place on the online Part II apps for me to report them… Did you guys ordered official AP reports?</p>
<p>My stats: 3.8 UW 4.5 W, SAT: 2150, SAT2: 800(math),780(bio),700(history). great extras, good essays</p>
<p>"The Committee on Admissions has completed its review of your application for admission under its Early Action plan. I am sorry to tell you that the Committee has decided to defer your application until the Regular Decision period.</p>
<p>Georgetown’s Early Action program is a first round competition for a limited number of spaces. The Committee on Admissions uses a similar admit rate as expected in the Regular Decision period to ensure that all candidates have equal chance of acceptance. Thus, Early action is especially competitive as offers are only granted to those candidates whom we are certain would be accepted regardless of the strength of the remaining applicant pool. </p>
<p>Please be aware that an Early Action deferral will not adversely affect your final decision. In recent years approximately 10% of the applicants deferred under the Early Action plan have been accepted in April. No further application is necessary for Regular Decision consideration. Results of your first semester grades, as well as senior testing and any additional information you choose to submit will be added to your folder for this final review. The Committee will send you a final answer on April 1, 2010. </p>
<p>We look forward to receiving further word of your progress. We appreciate your continued interest in Georgetown University"</p>
<p>i applied to georgetown college, and kevin 67- im shocked you were deferred… im sorry!</p>
<p>So sorry Kevin! Your stats are excellent, I’m really surprised and I think you’ll have an excellent shot in the regular round.</p>
<p>The mail has arrived here in Tampa, FL. No letter from Georgetown. My daughter applied EA to SFS. Got to wait until Monday for the next shot.</p>
<p>wow, Kevin!! If you didn’t get in EA, then I DEFINITELY didn’t. Your stats are amazing!</p>
<p>senior scores arent looked at for EA?
oh…well then i am most definitely not getting in.</p>
<p>kevin67, thanks. yeah, thats true what poohbear said. if you hadn’t gotten in, i wouldn’t get in too…</p>
<p>no letter from richmond. but wait i have a question. How high do you think SAT’s are looked at? i have an awesome gpa (4.0 UW, 4.79 W) and lots of ec’s but my SAT was only 2100, which is not as high as the stats posted so far. my letter comes monday i guess but i’m really thinking i will be deferred :/</p>
<p>rcquinn i think you have a great shot - If you check out the EA decisions thread from last year, it seemed like regardless of SATs and ECs, the people with higher GPAs and ranks got in. someone even made a comment along the lines of “wow, looks like georgetown was unashamed about basing EA decisions solely on GPA!” which of course got me nervous. plus a 2100 could be better than a 2200 depending on what you got on writing, which they don’t look at. good luck!</p>
<p>yeah my stats are really low compared to that, i always knew georgetown was a long shot though. Im dying to get that email i keep staring at the mail box to see if anything comes!</p>
<p>@rcquinn yeah. I have the same problem. I’m 2nd in my class, by my ACT was only 31. so I’m thinking I got deferred. does first generation help? and my parents have “blue collar” jobs, so I’m wondering if that my help a tiny bit as well</p>
<p>I live in MD, got accepted to SFS.</p>
<p>Stats, please, to make ourselves feel worse than we already do.</p>
<p>Well, I know soon I will be with Kevin. But hey don’t give up hope.</p>
<p>Do you live in the DC area, or does anyone know if he does because I am surprised he got a response.</p>
<p>I have the same problem as you guys…but worse haha. I’m top 5% out of 620 kids and my essays/extracurriculars/recs are way above average but…i didnt take the SAT IIs until Dec and I got a 30 on my ACT. Does it help that no one else from my school applied? I’ve also taken 13 AP classes and won first place at a debate tournament at Harvard. But I’m pretty sure my scores will kill me…</p>
<p>poohbear you sound like you have a chance. georgetown is needblind but first gen will help. did you send in SAT IIs? I didn’t. and it sound like the majority of those accepted did</p>
<p>Thanks everyone, it was depressing typing up the deferral letter lol, but it helped in getting over it a little.</p>
<p>Anyways, I guess there was obviously was room for improvement so I’ll just have to hope for RD.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone who hasn’t gotten their letter, don’t doubt yourself before opening the letter…</p>
<p>@ Runner_Dean: I live in MD 30 minutes north of DC.</p>
<p>Did anyone send any other letters of reccs from non teachers and not including the interview?</p>