<p>twilighters > twiharders. or twihards. whatever, it’s a stupid word for a stupid book. when i learned my debate coach loves the series, i almost cried.</p>
<p>jackdaniels, I am SOOO not into robert…okay personally, i think he’s more than super ugly == of all the male actors, why HIM?? haha but I DO like the books though~</p>
<p>omg i love the tombs! if i go to g-town, i’ll be so fat because of all the awesomeness that surrounds the school in the form of food. hahahahha. </p>
<p>if they used owls, i would demand they resurrect hedwig for me. because hedwig is the o.g.</p>
<p>grrrrrrrl i know how you feel. these girls at my school and i got into a debate about whether robert pattinson and kristen stewart are actually dating and i got so much secondhand embarassment.</p>
<p>thank god! i don’t think robert is hot at ALL. i’ve never read the books, but the first movie made me laugh it was ridiculous. and that werewolf guy…he’s not hot either. his wolf-ness freaks me out</p>
<p>nooo don’t worry about studying. if you know it, you know it, and all the extra excitement and adrenaline from waiting for your letter will give your brain the extra ability to speak/write/know chinese.</p>
<p>I have a friend that legit became ANGRY with me when I dissed Rob. </p>
<p>But we’re still friends for this reason: last wednesday georgetown called and said they dont have my ACT scores. So I got them faxed over and they (more than likely) reviewed my app the next day, Thursday. On that thursday we were talking and I mentioned this story (at least to this point) and she screams to our entire math class “Ok every join hands we’re having a prayer circle for [eagle2010’s] application to georgetown since they are reviewing it today, possibly right now.” (I go to a Catholic school so that was OK). Gotta love friends like that.</p>
<p>So I stopped reading/constantly responding to this thread for a few hours in a futile attempt to study for gov/sleep… But I ended up just having a panic attack about not getting in, followed by dissecting my application and everything I couldve possibly done wrong. SO I am back here, because you guys make me laugh.
I hate twilight also, by the way
And whoever said they would shave their heads… I agree… And considering I am a girl with rather large ears, that’s saying a lot!</p>