@obmom congrats to your daughter on Brown! Did your daughter submit any new updates after the June waitlist update? I am still on the waitlist and am wondering how they are deciding to keep people on/ take them off and how big the group on the waitlist for the college is at this point.
Does anyone know when Georgetown will officially close their waitlist? On past updates they gave a date as to when you’d be notified by about your waitlist status, but there’s no date on the most recent update.
I was just wondering the same thing. I also wonder how many people are on the extended extended waitlist.
I know in past years, when it gets to August the waitlist is a lot shorter than the first one. They don’t really keep a deadline in August and people get accepted even as close as several days before the first day of classes. Technically, in past years, if you made it this far you had quite a good chance of getting in since there are less people on the waitlist now and many people switch last minute (often gtown students on ivy waitlists). But everything’s so up in the air this year so we’ll just have to wait and see.
Anyone else just get an email confirming their interest?
Yes. Just received email confirming interest in waitlist.
Stanford offered acceptances to a sizeable number of students on their waitlist this past week. If I remember correctly, someone posted that they have August 14 to decide. Stanford is likely pull some cross-admits. I would think for the universities that are online fall term, with no need deintensify student numbers on campus, they might go to their waitlists to hit their normal enrollment targets across their respective colleges/programs. In other words, it’s stressful, but bonne chance.
@klb222 this may be a dumb question but we weren’t supposed to respond or anything it was just for kids who are not interested anymore correct?
@123daehrs that’s not a dumb question at all I was super worried about the same thing hahaha but yes, I believe you only need to fill out the form if you’re no longer interested. Otherwise, you don’t need to do anything. Best of luck to all of you!
@838388383 Awesome thank you! Good luck to you as well
Did we all receive the letter?
@838388383 Ah Im sorry I never responded! I’m from MA and was admitted to The College as a polisci and mathematics major.
Congrats! Were you just accepted off the waitlist?
@klb222 dylanddr was accepted in late July (see 7/24 posting).
does georgetown always call before admitting someone?
@columbia20000024 That seems to be the trend
My D got a call from her AO on Sat and she was taken off from the extended waitlist yesterday. She was admitted to college. We are from Oregon.
@lli0125 Congrats. Did your daughter receive the same letter most of us received on Friday, or did she just get the call on Sat.
She received an email on Fri to set up a call on Sat.
Did anyone just get the email to confirm that they will attend if admitted?