Georgia Tech Transfer as non-Georgia resident

<p>I know there is a big GPA difference for non-Georgian and Georgian resident for admission, and since i am non Georgian resident, could some of you out there who are either rejected/accepted/waitlisted post your GPA and other stats for transfer to g-tech? ethinicity indication will also be very appreciated.</p>

<p>I do not believe there is a big difference between in state and out of state
For admissions. There may a small difference but not a big one.</p>

<p>i think there is a big difference. I am Wait listed for Summer 13 with 3.9 cumulative, 4.0 math and science for Mechanical engineering.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention I am out of stateā€¦</p>

<p>Are you kidding? 3.9 and 4.0 still wait list!!! Are u international student? Did you satisfy all the required courses?</p>

<p>ksingh63, what are some courses you took, and how many credits did you have?</p>

<p>it may have been that since summer semester is rolling, either you have applied little bit late so that the spots were filled up, or they dont take as many applicants as they would for fall semester. dude your GPA is really good, and should definitely try for next semester.</p>