
<p>Somewhere I read that girls will be hit on a lot in college, as long as they are decent looking.</p>

<p>Is this the same for guys?</p>

stereotypically tho, guys are more the “pursuers” so thus will do more of the hitting on. Personally, I think that’s BS - I’m a fairly aggressive girl and if I think you’re friendly and hot, I will hit on you. But, lots of girls I know like to have the guy make the first move, so they may wait for you to hit on them.</p>

<p>you have to be a hot guy to get hit on by chicks and even then it’s rare. You can’t merely be decent looking.</p>

<p>It depends on the girls you like. If you like the intelligent, quiet, and smart ones then obviously they aren’t going to hit on a stranger. But sluts might.</p>

<p>Guys definately get hit on all the time. Depends on the guy and how attractive your personality is as well. Also depends on what school you go to.</p>

<p>"It depends on the girls you like. If you like the intelligent, quiet, and smart ones then obviously they aren’t going to hit on a stranger. But sluts might. "</p>

<p>Intelligent and smart I understand, but I definately wouldn’t want to date a quiet girl. Either way this isn’t true. There are plenty of nerdy girls who hit on nerdy guys.</p>

<p>If you are decent but not good looking then it might be harder for you, but it really doesn’t matter. Think of it this way, regaurdless, most students going into college have very little if any relationship or sexual experience. Freshman guys lie about how far they have gone and how many girlfriends they have had. Freshman girls will lie too. Both girls and guys want to fool around or have relationships or whatever. You don’t have to make that big of an effort to make something happen. It’s just that most people don’t want to put themselves out there.</p>

<p>(Drunk) girls will hit on you no matter what you look like as long as you’re in the “right” frat.</p>

<p>augustuscasar, it’s a little rude to assume that just because a girl is confident and not afraid to flirt with a guy she’s into, that she must be a slut. do you call guys who hit on their crushes manwhores??</p>

<p>It’s a man’s duty to hit on chicks given evolution and societal norms. And manwhore isn’t an insult since sex (for a guy) is an accomplishment. For a chick, it means that she “put out.” </p>

<p>But yeah, a chick can hit on a dude without necessarily being a slut.</p>

<p>if they’ve gotten to the point of being college old, then at some point in their life, they would’ve been hit on.</p>

<p>i don’t really ever hit on guys…i think that’s kinda desperate, and girls have no reason to be desperate…
guys do, however, so it makes sense that they hit on girls all the time.</p>

<p>Of course girls will get hit on. Not just in college, but in every day life. Guys will get hit on, but it’s different then how guys hit on girls. Girls have their own way of getting the point across. There’s too many ways to describe this, but a simple gesture from the way they walk or turn after seeing you, eye contact, etc are all ways of hitting on guys from a girl’s point of view.</p>

<p>guys have a reason to be desperate and women don’t? Please explain that.</p>

<p>^Guys need sex more than girls?</p>

<p>Desperation regarding the opposite sex doesn’t have only to do with sex. Women need a companion more than men. In that sense, they’re more desperate, so her theory about desperation motivating confrontation is BS.</p>

<p>Men dominant, women submissive. Men assert themselves and women choose (although men also make the choice whether or not to approach her to begin with). That’s evolution and that’s life. The end. Doesn’t have anything to do with desperation.</p>

<p>men are desperate for sex. if you disagree with that statement, you’re probably not a man.</p>

<p>although i do agree that women are desperate in different ways–that’s a good point. i have lots of girlfriends who will date the biggest… ever solely so they’re not alone. i think that type of desperation, though, manifests itself in a lack of discretion and a willingness to settle rather than assertion, like guys who are desperate and will hit on any girl who looks semi-willing.</p>

<p>Some men, like yourself, may be desperate for sex. Not the rest of us.</p>

<p>Edit: Well…if I think of all the guys I know, and considering only a couple of us actually get some, then yes, men as a whole are desperate. But that’s only when you compare the guys who have no chance of getting any to guys who can easily pick up girls.</p>

<p>Yeah, I get hit on a lot. (female). But, I can’t say I really hit on guys if you can discount the fact I’m a compulsive flirt.</p>

<p>women want sex just as much as guys do but, the only difference is that men are a little bit louder about it and women keep it to themselves.</p>

<p>No… they don’t. You’re pretty stupid if you ignore the impact that testosterone has on sex drive. Women want their emotions to be induced. Sometimes this involves sex. Guys want to **** every hot chick in the world.</p>

<p>Exactly if guys only want every hot chick then how do the ugly girls feel, horny as hell probably.</p>