<p>I know that 20/20 vision is not a requirement of west point but do you have to wear the military issued glasses all year round or just during the summer. Also, what if you only have a slight case of near sightedness? What if you only need glasses for class?</p>
<p>You mean the famous birth control glasses????? Those lovely things?</p>
<p>lol, bcg's are so freakin hot on chicks... j/k. I dunno about WP but once you get out of basic training you can get civilian looking glasses but you have to keep your bcg's for field exercises unless you get ballistic lenses for wiley x's or oakleys (orwhatever kinda approved glasses) I'm also guessing that you're allowed to wear contacts at WP</p>
<p>I'm also interested if you are allowed to wear contacts</p>
<p>You can wear contacts during the year, but not during Beast or training.</p>
<p>"you have to keep your bcg's for field exercises unless you get ballistic lenses for wiley x's or oakleys (orwhatever kinda approved glasses) "</p>
<p>Can you really have those w/ prescription lenses? How can you do it? What kind of requirements are there?</p>
<p>for both types of glasses you can get prescription inserts. If you're issued these type of eye pro then the Army will cover getting you the prescription. By the way, the Oakley glasses are way better than the Wiley X's. However, both are way over-priced for a hunk of plastic.</p>
<p>Not that it matters. You guys will be issued the ballistic glasses. We're getting ours this week.</p>