Global Studies major/Math Minor

<p>Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you. How good would a Global studies major/Math Minor combination look if I want to pursue a career in business/accounting after I graduate? How many opportunities would present to me if I did this rather than just do global studies? Is it that much recommended or can I still land a job anywhere with a GS degree? what other combinations would be recomendable? I am in UCLA by the way. let me know if you can help out. thanks</p>

<p>If you want to be an accountant, why don’t you study accounting</p>


<p>easy to say, but I am not in that path. I am a global studies major almost finisahed in UCLA but I really like everything about accounting, business, econ stuff.</p>

<p>Ah, your phrasing made it seem like you were a prospective college student, not a graduating one.</p>

<p>You could use that Math minor to maybe go post-grad in Acturial studies, or maybe wait a few years and get an MBA.</p>

<p>What does Global Studies mean as a college major?</p>

<p>global studies is a combination of an interdisciplinary degree that focuses on markets and econ, government, sociology, and cultural anthropology. so you get a combination of classes from a variety of different subjects. It’s an interesting major, not all universities offer it though.</p>

<p>Well first probably pick out 5 grad buisness programs your looking at, and see if they have any extra undergraduate requirements for admission… if so then you know what classes to fill in. I would suggest to look at economics major along with global studies, perhaps there would be some similar classes already taken. I myself plan to double major in economics and international relations/ studies/ political science ( still debating on all three).</p>