<p>Hi, i'm a HS junior from a public rural high school in Oklahoma.<br>
I moved here from Taiwan as a freshmen. so here's the deal.... i've made straight As through my fresh and soph year, taking all honor classes except for English. Now this year i'm taking
AP Calc BC
AP Engslih (hard for me)
AP PHysics B (tough teacher)
AP US history (tough class, but managed to survive)
Spanish 3
Orchestra </p>
<p>Last semester i made 2 Bs (physics, spanish), i was extremely mad because it wasn't suppose to happen. i'm very serious about the violin, i spend aoubt 3 hrs each day practicing. And i think thats the reason why i got 2 Bs.<br>
I know 2 Bs isn't a big deal, but since i'm from rural public school (430 students) , will that hurt me? should i retake spanish??? My aunt made it sound like everyone who goes to good schools have 4.0 GPA.<br>
I really don't like spanish that much, because i've to focus on SAT and Englsih this year. i tend to forget spanish vocabs alot faster tahn other people. I speak and write Chinese flurently, does that count as a foreign language?</p>