Grades after your second year

<p>If you're planning to apply for Fall 2007 for some UC (application period in nov-oct), or any school for that matter, do those schools look at the grades you recieve in your Fall 2006, Winter 07, and Springer 07 quarters?</p>

<p>The reason I am asking is because my GPA will be 2.9 after this summer, and I plan to do much better this upcoming school year. The GPA i would have to put on my application would be 2.9 because during the application period Fall quarter grades aren't out yet. Will my efforts even matter after the application is sent?</p>

<p>they'll look at fall 06 grades since you'll be reporting those grades to them before 2/15 deadline...if you can get your winter 07 grades by can report to them also </p>

<p>but i guess you can use it to your advantage whether you wanna report winter grades or not</p>

<p>as for spring and summer of 07, they make their decision before you know of your grades</p>

<p>They look at your Fall grade FOR SURE. If you are a borderline admit, they require you to get certain gpa for spring, and you MUST achieve that in order to be considered for admission.</p>

<p>thanks a lot guys, I didn't know the had you report your grades after your applicaiton,</p>

<p>Can't speak to the UCs, as their schedule and process is quite different.</p>

<p>For other schools, typical deadline for application is some time in March, although there are variations. At application time, you will have your fall 2006 grades and, if on the quarter system, possibly your winter 2007 grades. Some schools (not most) will ask you to send mid-term grade estimates after your application is received, on a special form. Some of these forms are just your own self-reported estimate, some require prof initials.</p>

<p>Pretty much all schools, once they accept you, will condition your acceptance on satisfactory completion of your yet to be completed terms (usually spring) and a final transcript.</p>