quick uc gpa question

<p>this has prolly been answered before (so sorry) but do uc's look at ur gpa including the fall 06 semester or w/o it and also if i take the winter session of classes will they look at my gpa with that too? oh and does it take 5 or 6 classes to be tap cert. or is that based on ur school.</p>

<p>anyone? wanna take a quick crack at it</p>

<p>UC's look at all your GPAs through the fall you apply. So yes, the Fall 2006 grades will be taken into account for admission decisions(when you have to send in your transcripts during January 2007)</p>

<p>You send in another set of grades around February which includes Fall grades + Winter grades (assuming your Winter grades are up around that time).</p>

<p>oh suhweet that would mean if i got all A's fall through winter ima have a 3.6-3.7. thanks</p>

<p>So does that mean Winter grades will average into the gpa with which UCs use to determine if you're in or not? Or they just simply look at them?</p>

<p>I think any grade you send in during Feb. will be used to determine if you're in or not.</p>

<p>I am not sure how the whole process works, but I think when you first send them in during November, they look at whether you are eligable or not. Afterwards, when you send in your Fall grades, thats when they decide who to admit and who to reject.</p>

<p>If you sucked totally, they drop you w/o further looking at your Fall grade (in case where you got like 2.8 GPA with very weak EC and essay).</p>

<p>However, if you are at average (above 3.2 with mediocre to above average EC/essay), they wait till they get Fall grade/Winter Grade + Your class schedule for Spring. If they still can't decide, you are waitlisted.</p>

<p>essay = 1% factor or so i read in the other thread</p>

<p>You read that on my thread! hahaha what a conversation that sparked. But yes, I think everyone will agree that the personal statements are very miniscule in your application, and at times worthless.</p>

<p>so check it out right now i have a 3.21 and by the end of fall im gonna work my ass off to get to a 3.5 so i can try and get into tap and im also volunteering at the hospital with the CCE program which is some how related to ucla. hopefully this works.</p>