Grades Spring 2007

<p>haha, i'm just curious for that time when my 3.92 inevitably drops as i start to take more engineering classes. because for a lot of my classes (well, the ones that i brushed off to hang out with friends/party :p) i've definitely felt like i was on the bubble, when i actually wasn't...but i'm sure i will actually be on the edge one of these days.</p>

<p>My GPA's exactly the same and my major GPA went up .1 point ish. (I took an upper level class last sem... good decision) Good enough for me, I guess although I should've gotten an A in one class instead of A-...sigh. whatever, no worries it's over! (esp writing 140, I hated that CLASS WITH A PASSION)</p>

<p>I don't have to worry about my major GPA slipping, I'm an art major hahahahaha!! (it actually raises my overall GPA) unless I change my major next semester which I'm considering.. sigh.</p>