<p>Do people usually get their second growth spurt in college? I have been 5'11/6 since freshman year in high school. I have seen all my friends grow taller, while I stay the same. My mom is 5'10 and my dad is like 5'11, while my uncle is 6'6. Is there a chance I will grow again?</p>
<p>hmm i’m no doctor, but i’ve heard guys can grow up until like 21 or so, but probably by very little…i’m guessing by less than an inch? you’re already taller than both your parents…and honestly, at almost 6 ft, you can’t complain, you’re over average. don’t you ever watch everybody loves raymond - everyone always makes fun of freakishly tall Uncle Robert :D</p>
<p>I haven’t grown since middle school… yeah I was a big middle schooler, but now I’m a not-so-big college student.</p>
<p>lol I don’t want to be too tall. 6’2 is like perfect now a days. I just see so many girls my height. Once they put on heels I will feel short :(</p>
<p>it’s very rare for a girl to be your height…you’re like 7 inches over average height for a girl so something tells me you’re exaggerating it’s funny you posted this because I just saw a post where a 5’2 guy was complaining about getting girls lol…anyway I didn’t know people still grew in college…unless you’re a really late bloomer.</p>
<p>i’m also 5’11 and i really wanna just be those few extra inches higher. but, it could be worse…you could be that guy who’s 5’2" …that would really suck</p>
Usually not… your growth plates are pretty set by now</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore in college, and I’ve been 6’0" ever since sixth grade…</p>
<p>I grew in college, mostly during freshman year. I’m not sure about the exact amount, but my high school friends all say I grew a LOT—so probably a few inches. And I’m a girl. :D</p>
<p>My advice is to pig out on dining hall food. No one really knows what they put in it…</p>
<p>I’m still nowhere near 5’11 though, sadly.</p>
<p>hahah 6ft in 6th grade? that’s funny
fizz3l that is really weird - most girls stop growing 14-16ish
dining hall food is pretty good at nyu, but if anything, i’ve grown wider i’ve gained the freshman 5</p>
<p>be grateful you’re 5’10’'. You’re not short. If you want to know what short is, try being me for a day. I’m barely up to your shoulders and you’re whining “I’m not tall enough.” If you haven’t finished puberty, you will grow. THat means if you don’t grow full facial hair, leg hair, etc, and you still have kind of a baby face, you still have time. If you have done all of those things, you’re still much taller than the average girl. Sure, you won’t be the QB of a football team, but your life will sure be happier than many shorter people. Quit your whining.</p>
<p>I hope so. I’m really short.</p>
<p>i grew an inch this year, frosh year in college</p>
<p>Some people can never be satisfied with their height. There are tall people who wish they could be shorter. Then there are short people who wish they could be taller. Just be satisfied with what you have. Height is partially environmental, but most of it is genetic, so it’s not something people should really stress about; you can’t control it. Does your problem involve the opp. sex??? Usually this is the case with most “height whiners.” They always want to be the perfect height for the opp. sex. Well, that’s not how the world works. You’re exaggerating BTW. There are plenty of girls out there that would want to date you. Even with heels, they wouldn’t get close to your height. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Most people stop growing in height by age 20. Some stop earlier than that.</p>
<p>There were times I wished I was 5’10" (I am currently 5’9" in height).</p>
<p>I accepted my height. I just put on some heels. It’s nice to know I’m not too tall for the men. ;)</p>
<p>I’m the average white American female height, 5’ 4". I like being in the middle. :)</p>
<p>lakrosee, I am not whining, I am just wondering if people grow in college because I see a lot of tall people at many campuses. I am grateful I am 6’, but like bodacious said, people are never satisfied witht their height.</p>
<p>^ i’m sure you do see tall people, but the truth is you tower over the majority of women, and are taller than most men, so be satisfied and lakrosse, it’s kinda hypocritical for you to tell him to stop whining. </p>
<p>i’ve noticed men are insecure about their height like women are with our weight. see, you can’t really control your height, so no sense in crying about it, but if you’re a fatty, or freakishly thin, people blame you for it.</p>
<p>I grew an inch all of a sudden from 5’11 to 6 ft exact. I hope I grow even taller. Then I will destroy in basketball with sick dunks :P</p>
I don’t really understand your logic here at all</p>