GW 2022 RD

Called GW, they said some time this week, but did not give a date. could it be today?

@acceptedman I’d say it’s possible, but there’s higher liklihood of Thursday being the target day. We’ll find out soon enough though~

is it gonna be email or the portal?

both but for most schools, the portal will update before the notification email is sent out.

I’d go with Thursday or Friday as well. For reasons, they don’t want to compete with Ivy Day and they need to still generate hype by posting to social media a couple days before releasing decisions. Plus that would just be a brutal single day if it were on Ivy Day.

Just got an email. It’s coming out at 5 today.

5 o’clock yall

omgomg im so anxiousjx

5 today.

My heart is going to be racing until 5

i didnt get the email though djhdnsnf

ohhfh yes i did hdhjs

I haven’t gotten the email yet?

Oh wait, i just did

That email… ahhh!

Just got the email too! Most likely not gonna get it- I made the mistake of not choosing an alternative option… anything could happen though, good luck to everyone!!

I still haven’t gotten anything, wth!!

oops. nvm!


im legit shaking hoylly crap!!! excited and nervous! good luck to all!!!