GW 2022 RD

rejected im sh00k

rejected, surprised- 1410 SAT, 3.95 GPA. Not too disappointed since I already got into BC. Congrats to everyone accepted!!

Waitlisted…I’m pretty confused I’m way above average and applied to the honors program but ok lol. Accepted to BU Tulane and McGill but not here

Got in with presidential scholarship!!! Congrats everyone. All the rejection to this point was worth it.

waitlisted…im … kinda devastated that this hellish process isnt over for me yet but… not a rejection so i have hope…

Did anyone else get into the Paris Scholars Program?

@student12322 I did… is that a rejection?

accepted !

does anyone know when financial aid comes out? bc i really think i qualify lol

Also waitlisted, extremely surprised based on my stats and quality of essays and recs. Not trying to sound cocky or anything lol. But congrats to those who got in! I probably wouldn’t have been able to attend GW anyways due to health issues. Good luck everyone in the remainder of their college search process!

Accepted to engineering with 24k!!

it says in the letter itself? cause there is no mention of a scholarship at all within the letter i got.

I got into the Paris Scholars Program, but in my decision letter it states “Thank you for applying to the George Washington University. After completing a careful review of your application and supporting credentials, our Admissions Committee has concluded that we are unable to offer you acceptance to the university for Fall 2018. Many talented students applied to GW this year, and unfortunately we have to limit the number of students we accept. Regrettably, we cannot accommodate every student who is interested in GW.” So I’m confused. Did I get accepted or rejected?

My portal is taking so long to load! Has anyone else had this problem?

My portal isnt loading either!! It just has three orange buffering dots ughh

The Paris Scholars Program is where you spend your freshman year at the American University in Paris and then transfer to GW sophomore year

In with 14k. 3.73gpa, 31 Act.

Why did they waitlist so many above average applicants? GW was a definite safety. And from what some of y’all are saying, it was the same for you… weird.

same problem here! won’t load

DD - accepted to Elliott with a presidential academic scholarship! Whew!