GW Transfer - Fall 2017

like on what portal


They screwed up my portal when they converted it to force, so I don’t have access to it. I emailed them last weekend and they said they’re working on but do you think they would let us know any other way?? My app was marked complete at least 2 or 3 weeks ago now

@igotsunshine111 How did they screw it up? I would call GW about it directly. That way they could assist you right away, instead of you waiting for them to email you back. And I think they’re only releasing decisions through the Force Portal, but you can always give them a call and double check.

I’m so stressed out. I check my email every 10 minutes but still haven’t received anything from them. I called the admission center, they said I will be notified late April, Early May. but it is late April :(( :((

do they email you before decisions are posted

@anonymoussss123 Some of the other users on here have said that they send you an email like 45 minutes before they release their decision.

@Sogand You’re not alone! I got the email to setup my Force portal over two weeks ago and I check my email everyday and it’s stressful and frustrating when it’s been this long and one still hasn’t gotten an email about a decision. But hopefully we’ll hear back from GW soon. Hang in there!

yes i got that email a few weeks ago as well and have not heard back either

I called the admissions office today and was told that decisions will keep coming out until mid May.

am i the only one who is getting Error 404 when trying to log in to the portal?

@Monekyboy961 I get one too but not when I log in on my phone

@monkeyboy961 i am also

i’m getting so impatient, you guys. this is annoying.

@tayloec same!! I’m in this holding pattern of waiting indefinitely and knowing that decisions have already come out for some but not knowing when mine will come with GW and 4 other schools

@tayloec Same here. Knowing that a lot of people have already heard back and many of them have gotten in makes the waiting even more stressful.

It’s May first, I heard from UVA 3 DAYS AGO STILL NOT GW!! I feel like they never going to tell me

Hey so I just called admissions twice and the answer re decision releases was that they’re definitely happening this week possibly as soon as tomorrow because this is likely the last wave of decisions according to the 2 ppl I spoke to on the phone

For all those accepted, when do we submit final transcripts?

just called admissions and they said all transfer decisions should have been released on the portal? i still can’t get into the portal because it says error every time i try but can anyone log on to their portal and see if they have a decision?