GW Transfer - Fall 2017

i finally got into the portal and still no decision? maybe the girl was uniformed but she seemed pretty sure…

@aftfl12 Just logged into mine and I still don’t have a decision either.

ok just talked to her again and she talked to someone else and found out that they come out in waves. apparently she didn’t know that. so no real news

@aftfl12 Do you know if they come out in daily waves or weekly ones?

no i don’t know at all. she said “throughout may” but then again she seemed pretty clueless considering she didn’t know they came out in waves and thought they had all already been released. @ens8944

I just got in

accepted at 5PM!

does anyone know where you can see your scholarships/financial aid stuff?


does anyone see a reply date? i can only see the first half of the letter for some reason

where can you guy see your acceptance?

Where excactly would the letter be? I dont see anything

@aftfl12 @as2581

its on the gw force portal. its the first thing you see if yours is available. i couldn’t see anything different earlier but when i just checked it had a big decision button

their portal doesn’t work well for me at ALL though. doesn’t let me sign in most of the time and can only read half of the acceptance letter. if anyone who got accepted today could please tell me the reply date thank you

I think i didnt get in there’s no change in my portal

Congrats everyone. @aftfl12 The reply/deposit date is now June 1st!

Thank you! also just noticed that in the email they sent, it said my credit evaluation was available by clicking a link. when i clicked it, it said “blocked plugin”. happening to anyone else?

Just got my decision! Unfortunately, I was rejected. Wouldn’t have been able to attend anyway, as I already deposited at BU. Congrats to everyone who got accepted!

If you want to check out your financial aid award information, you can do so by going to this site and logging in:

To check out award information:

(1) Click on Financial Aid Menu
(2) My Award Information
(3) Award by Aid Year
(4) Click on the 2017-2018 Financial Aid Year in the drop down menu

Also, you might want to double check if there are additional/required financial documents that you may need to send in. To find out:

(1) Click on Financial Aid Menu
(2) My Eligibility
(3) Click on the 2017-2018 Financial Aid Year in the drop down menu

Congratulations to those who were accepted today!