GW Transfer - Fall 2017

I just got rejected from GWU. I also got rejected from UCLA as well…I seriously do not know what to do now…

I applied GWU as engineering which I guess it is not too popular compared to politics or business.

Do you guys think I still have a chance if I explain that I actually have ADD and from this fact, I had a low GPA.

I first attended GMU and then transferred to Cal State University Monterey Bay.

I went to GMU for a year and then took a year off to Korea.

From GMU I got, 1.69 GPA and now I have 3.1 GPA in CSUMB. Total 2.68 GPA. Sadly…

I am too sad right now…

Wow, I didn’t get a response yet, is this a bad sign?

No response yet for me either…

Me either :expressionless:

you guys have to go to activity center and log in to check your decisions.

I did, it doesn’t say anything. The adcom said that my application is still listed as “Under Review” so I just have to wait it out.

are there any current gw students here who’d be willing to answer some questions about the university? thanks :slight_smile:

denied- tulane it is!

@as2581 I’m a recent alum that’d be happy to help. You can ask in here or private message me.

anyone else unable to see their credit evaluations because of a blocked plug in?

@NHuffer i’ll ask here in case others were wondering the same!

-what’s the social scene like? would you say that people are open and willing to expand their friend groups or is it “clique-ish”?
-overall, how are transfers treated? both by the administration and by the general student body?
-what was your gw experience like?
-how is the internship/career placement for students specifically for elliott students? how are elliott students viewed by D.C. employers?

any answer to those would be great :slight_smile: thank you for taking the time to answer these!

@aftfl12 how are you seeing your credit evaluations? did you sign the declaration of intent form already?

no there was a link in the email about the decision being posted that said my transfer credit evaluation was also ready @as2581

You might want to try another browser, or disable your pop-up ad blocker.

When I saw my transfer evaluations a while back, I used chrome.

thanks! @aftfl12 @WhoTouchedMyTaco

chrome worked! should have thought of that thank you @WhoTouchedMyTaco

am i the only one who didn’t hear back?

@Monekyboy961 haven’t heard back either!

Is anyone here applying as an economics major?

I haven’t heard back yet either, and I called admissions to see whats up (and if they’ll give me a more concrete date bc I called on Monday and a woman there said by end of day Friday) but the person today just said within the next two weeks. She said obviously I’ll hear by June 1 bc that’s commitment deadline. At this point I hope that my financial aid will be ready simultaneously bc I can’t wait until after bc I had other June 1 deposits (lmao if I want DC so badly I’ll just commit to American).

ALSO when I confirmed I was a transfer she low-key did a double take, confirming “you’re a fall transfer applicant and you HAVEN’T heard back yet?”

So hmm… Hoping for a decision by tomorrow night, otherwise I might just have to scratch this off the list bc this waiting is so excessive.