GW Transfer - Fall 2017


I’d say the social scene is very “diverse.” I say that because there are so many different types of people on campus, and most socialize with others in one form or another. There are students that hang-out in smaller groups and don’t really party, there are students that like to frequent they “typical” loud and packed parties; some hangout off-campus while others hangout on-campus. Most parties are Thursday-Saturday, but people still hangout on other parts of the week. There are a few common hang-out spots on campus but students, default, are typically studying there.

As far as people being “clique-ish,” I would say no. Some groups might tend to stick together more (athletes come to mind) but that in no way means they don’t hang out with others or let others join-in on their fun. For example, the gymnast team lived down the hall sophomore year and threw some awesome parties, lol.

I think transfers are treated well overall. Other than the first year at GW when your course and housing registrations are delayed, people never really “know” you’re a transfer. After that, the only thing that matters is how many credits you have. In the end, if you don’t walk around campus with swag from a different school you should be fine :wink:

My GW experience was awesome. Sure, I had a few headaches along the way with administrators or professors (beware the math department, lol). Overall, though, it was great. There’s a lot of diversity within the student body, so I felt like I grew a lot as a person while being exposed to so many different beliefs. The experiences to be had in GW and the career opportunities from just living in the area are awesome.

Internship placement is excellent (can’t speak too specifically for Elliot School). All my friends that sought-out an internship in their field received a job offer from the last place they interned. Anyone I knew that graduated with an International Affairs degree ended-up going to grad school after, and is now working in their field. As far as how Elliot grads are viewed in DC, I can’t say either, lol. I’ve always heard that they’re viewed quite positively. Shoot, I’ve met a handful at my agency so I know the federal government values them.

Sorry for the delayed response, and I hope this answered your questions well-enough :slight_smile:

@NHuffer that was VERY helpful!! you definitely quelled a lot of my concerns. thank you so much :slight_smile:

Will we hear back today?

@Monekyboy961 I still didn’t hear back yet.

Also, to those who are waiting still, what majors have you applied to and what are your stats?

Don’t think we are gonna hear back. They took wayyy toooo long. I got into Carnegie Mellon before GW…

@Monekyboy961 aren’t we o lugares to hear back though? Like so long as apps were completely submitted, they have to process and decide something so they have to tell us even if it’s a denial?

From what I hear about transfer admissions is that many schools forget some applications

@Monekyboy961 how do you know that?

Spoke to admissions- we should hear backs soon.

To anyone who has been admitted already - did you get an email notifying you that you would get a notification ahead of time?

@chrisli75 Yes, I received an email letting me know that my decision had posted, but I didn’t even follow the link immediately because just after that I had received an email letting me know that I could view my preliminary financial aid letter, in which it said Congratulations! in the subject line.

@jmunoz @tayloec @chrisli75

I was accepted into Elliot as a transfer student a few weeks ago. Now I’m registered for classes and everything. I got a decent financial aid packet and I have my loans approved for the first year. Unfortunately, my finaid was just what they think I’ll get as I didn’t have my corrrect W2’s and I’m waiting for the IRS to get them to me.

I want my concentration to be crisis solutions. What are you all looking at?

@rman22 @jmunoz I’m really hoping that they aren’t going to reject me. I sent in my other materials (college report and HS grades) like a month after I sent in my common app, so all I can do is wait. You think they are going to reject cuz applicants sent other materials later?

I am not looking into an IR major, I am going towards an economics major in the Columbian College.

God I hope they’re not holding my decision up til May 31 just to reject me

@chrisli75 being late isn’t great. They do push it to the back of the pile. It can make a difference, but won’t be the deciding factor unless you were REALLY late

@rman22 The only thing that was late was my college report. The reasoning was that I had a bit of a miscommunication between my advising office and registrar office which delayed my report by about two weeks, but it was received on the 19th of April. Everything else was done by March. Hopefully, this college report won’t be the defining factor in the process xd

should we hear back today??

@Monekyboy961 still nothing from me

Anyone still waiting?

This is ridiculous. GW is the most unorganized school I’ve ever seen. It’s may 31 and I still haven’t heard back from them. Even though on their website it says the notification will come out late April early May, they’ve been telling me that I should here back before June first. BUT TOMORROW IS JUNE FIRST AND STILL NOTHING !!! i dont know how much more i should wait. I feel like they forgot about my application or something. I got a full scholarship from UVA and I dont really care about GW anymore. GW was my dream school but now im so disappointed from their lack of respect for applicants.