Happy & Sad!

<p>^^^Dang it, casino, you’ve made me blush and now I’m all crimson and white. Seriously, though, thanks for the kind words. I’m not doing anything that momreads wouldn’t do for my boy as well. She’s been a tremendous support to me and my son since I first stumbled into this forum/great community over two years ago.</p>

<p>Roll Tide indeed!</p>

<p>Proudmama – please don’t feel sad about the prom. That was my daughter a year ago. But last night we were unpacking mountains of boxes and suitcases from her freshman year at Bama and I’m happy to report this included several cocktail dresses from date parties and one stunning black formal dress (which I spent an obscene amount of money on to make up for never going to prom in high school). College was the opportunity for a fresh start for her socially, and her gains in self-confidence are amazing. On the flip side, her Biology grade was nothing to write home about and she will probably have to take it again – but oddly I find myself not caring at all when I think about what she’s gained in other areas of her life. Sending good thoughts that your child will have the same positive experiences!</p>

<p>malanai: I was going to say that I would send him a note to contact you. So glad that you will meet. He’s very excited about his trip. I’m sure you will have a blast chatting! Too bad your son won’t be around. It’s amazing they never met when living on the same hall in Ridgecrest West.</p>

<p>M2CK: That Costa Rica trip is awesome! I’m hoping if my younger son attends UA, he will take the class and trip. He will complete his fourth year of Spanish this spring, and his teacher is encouraging all of her students to consider at least a minor in Spanish when in college.</p>

<p>ahpimommy: My husband would love to go to the DR someday. He has several friends in baseball who are natives there, and it’s beautiful.</p>

<p>S is going to Oxford. Last minute addition thanks to this board. His brother is in the UK so they will meet up prior and do some touristy things. He also mentions possibly stopping off to visit some HS chums elsewhere.
Prior to that he will be working And making some spending $$.
Malani that is fantastic, what a super thing to do.</p>

<p>My son is ALREADY in Germany, whew that was hectic!! He is taking an intensive German language course for several weeks then heading to a different area to do research for the next three months.</p>

<p>^^^ Yorba … Glad to meet you here on CC. Yes, your son and my D are good friends. I saw him on Friday night as they were finishing their CBH projects … Both of them finished well ahead of the midnight deadline. And they’re also sharing a storage locker with 3 others this summer. I can attest that the locker is nice, air conditioned, and there was in fact plenty of room for all 5 of their “stuff” … I was a little worried, but it worked out, and at $45 each for the whole summer, such a deal! Yes, I did take you son and a few others to dinner at Mugshots … The only way to meet the crew from Narnia! Have a great summer and Roll Tide Y’all!!!</p>

<p>malanai - you will be extremely impressed with Momread’s son. He is a tremendous young man and helped D out a ton by meeting with her when she was deciding upon UA. </p>

<p>Just got back to San Antonio from helping D move out of the dorm. Had a blast hanging out with Cuttlefish123’s husband for the day while waiting for D’s to finalize their CBHP project. Two dads trying to help pack two D’s. Not a recipe for success!! </p>

<p>Back to Tuscaloosa in three weeks to help D move into her summer apartment!</p>

<p>Hi ShamrockDad! My H was grateful that you were there in the dorm to keep him company. The girls finished their projects on time and all is well.</p>

<p>So many fantastic summer plans. Roll Tide!!</p>