Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

ah I see I see thanks!


Mine says March 8th, 10:55PM.

Under no scientific basis whatsoever, I honestly doubt admissions/IT is uploading results at nearly 11pm. Assuming you’re EST.

No depends where you are from, because from my country Harvard doesn’t interview due to alumni unavailability so it can’t affect the application.

Hi! Where are you from? I am from Spain and I know other applicants have gotten interviews but I didn’t so
 I hold on to hope though. Do you really think it is possible that they didn’t review my application yet or that they needed more time to do so because I sent supplementary materials?
How about you? How are you doing with the waiting? Have a nice day! :slight_smile:

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Your app would’ve been reviewed before the end of January.

They do virtual interviews.

I’m from Pakistan and there aren’t interviewers available in our region, and I know of someone who got accepted from my country in the early process without one. So again, not everyone gets interviewed and that doesn’t mean that if you don’t get interviewed you won’t get it.

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I guess so, you said a month ago that you knew from people who got late interviews even after others in their same country had interviewed before, right? I really hope that is also my case.

Do you know if the IVP ratings give preferences to applicants from whom they need information and therefore, if you are considered a strong applicant they might leave you for the end and interview just if more volunteers are available?
Do you also know if they can present your application in the Comitee without having an interview report?

im not entirely sure about this. it could be that I’m already in the reject pile because my slate hasn’t updated in so long. I’m rejected from Caltech on the 10th and my Caltech slate stays on march 6th
 And people say that rejection can be made early cuz those files don’t even make it to committee. I did get an interview as an international around 20th feb though so I think I passed the first read, just that I might haven’t make it to committee

*hadn’t made it

where do you see the date on the Harvard application portal?

it’s on slate. org you can register for an account to track your applications

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So then why does my UVA one say “updated 03/06/23” when I got accepted back in February?

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idk maybe some schools sync for the whole pool some update each applicant. For Caltech one of my friend and I got updated at the same time on 6th march and we both got rejected, while another one got accepted has a different last updated time. Harvard might be the latter case since I know one got last updated on 8th march one got 13th march

Hey! Do you know if as an International Student we can still make it to Comitee without having had an interview?

hey sorry I don’t really know but it could be possible?

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I hope so, people keep telling me my application couldn’t have been simply ignored but at this point
 My only chance is that they had enough information about me and didn’t ask for an interview

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I asked about the interview and my Admission Officer told me he would reach out to me once they end the Comitee. But he didn’t say if I am going to get an interview or not, only that he will write back to me